• Member Since 27th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 22nd, 2020


We roll together, we die together. Autobots for life...

More Blog Posts33

  • 222 weeks
    The Return

    Hello, everyone.

    I understand how many must be pissed and annoyed how the fact I went missing without giving any news. Well, allow me to explain what I've been doing in the real world:

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    10 comments · 1,011 views
  • 301 weeks
    The Next Chapter Situation

    So here is what I am thinking. Since my chapter is taking a lot of time, should I maybe split the chapter and the continuation happens in the next one? Or continue writting? Honestly I feel like I'm writting too much and every checking my chapter feels like very rushed, even to me for sure. So what you guys think?

    3 comments · 403 views
  • 313 weeks
    Support me on Patreon for commissions and a special project

    Hello again, guys!

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    1 comments · 401 views
  • 314 weeks
    A Lot To Explain

    Hello guys!

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    0 comments · 419 views
  • 387 weeks
    Changing the shipping of Twilight Sparkle?

    Hmmm this days I have this idea of changing the Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle (idea of Maximus_Reborn ) for the classic one of Flash Sentry (the pony, not human). What you guys think? I'm just thinking in changing into it cause I feel like ParkerxSparkle shipping is stealing a writter idea. I want to have my own idea of shipping in

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    6 comments · 715 views

The Next Chapter Situation · 3:43pm Oct 18th, 2018

So here is what I am thinking. Since my chapter is taking a lot of time, should I maybe split the chapter and the continuation happens in the next one? Or continue writting? Honestly I feel like I'm writting too much and every checking my chapter feels like very rushed, even to me for sure. So what you guys think?

Report RedFire · 403 views · Story: Transformers Equestria Girls ·
Comments ( 3 )

Do what makes sense. This chapter has been waiting for a YEAR. If it'll make sense as a two-parter, do it, if not, don't.

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