• Member Since 27th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 22nd, 2020


We roll together, we die together. Autobots for life...

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  • 222 weeks
    The Return

    Hello, everyone.

    I understand how many must be pissed and annoyed how the fact I went missing without giving any news. Well, allow me to explain what I've been doing in the real world:

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  • 301 weeks
    The Next Chapter Situation

    So here is what I am thinking. Since my chapter is taking a lot of time, should I maybe split the chapter and the continuation happens in the next one? Or continue writting? Honestly I feel like I'm writting too much and every checking my chapter feels like very rushed, even to me for sure. So what you guys think?

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  • 313 weeks
    Support me on Patreon for commissions and a special project

    Hello again, guys!

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  • 314 weeks
    A Lot To Explain

    Hello guys!

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  • 387 weeks
    Changing the shipping of Twilight Sparkle?

    Hmmm this days I have this idea of changing the Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle (idea of Maximus_Reborn ) for the classic one of Flash Sentry (the pony, not human). What you guys think? I'm just thinking in changing into it cause I feel like ParkerxSparkle shipping is stealing a writter idea. I want to have my own idea of shipping in

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Changing the shipping of Twilight Sparkle? · 12:01pm Feb 19th, 2017

Hmmm this days I have this idea of changing the Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle (idea of Maximus_Reborn ) for the classic one of Flash Sentry (the pony, not human). What you guys think? I'm just thinking in changing into it cause I feel like ParkerxSparkle shipping is stealing a writter idea. I want to have my own idea of shipping in "Transformers Equestria Girls"

Comments ( 6 )
Author Interviewer

...Why would Peter Parker be in the Transformers or Equestria Girls universes in the first place? O.o

4428246 Well I was how should I say a huuuuuge fan of "Spider and Magic". Really I was insane for the saga of this story :twilightblush:

Author Interviewer

Ahh. I'd say you should definitely not go for it, then. As you said, you're just taking another writer's idea, and it's not even an idea that makes sense in the context of the story you're writing.

4428278 Yes guess I have to change then to Flash. I actually had an idea for him in the future

As random as it was seeing Peter in the story, I still enjoyed it and liked the idea of seeing more Parker-Sparkle even outside of Spiders and Magic. Kinda hoping the couple does stay, though that's also because I really don't wanna see Twilight with Flash Sentry, but I don't have a good reason as to why I don't wanna see the couple. Though if Flash Sentry was used, he'd have to be made really interesting, but it can't be forced. (He can't be like this cool tough guy, it would just seem so weird).

BTW, using Parker-Sparkle isn't really a big deal, if there can be spin-offs of Spiders and Magic in general, then featuring Parker-Sparkle in another story shouldn't be a big deal. If it's originality though then I guess changing out of Parker-Sparkle makes sense, that or just not having a Twilight in a romance situation at all.

Comment posted by Hunter x1001 deleted Feb 20th, 2017
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