• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
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Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.

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  • 11 weeks
    The last research paper I worked on has published at last.

    The process is REALLY slow. I finished all my work on this 3 years ago.


    This one uses a lot of my histology and in-situ hybridization with RNAscope results.

    But no more science for me. Now I build houses and driveways... and rip them apart too! It's a sort of yin-yang thing I've got going here.

    6 comments · 144 views
  • 17 weeks
    A comedic scene from a new Clouseua story I'm fiddling with...

    I just came up with this, and imagining Peter Sellers delivering the line had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.

    Clouseau, "For you see, the murderer was... the bullet!"

    Guy in room, "The bullet?"

    Clouseau, "Of course, no one would suspect the bullet of firing itself!"

    Woman in room, "But that... that's madness!"

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  • 35 weeks

    Only the Pirate King could do it...

    It's as good as possible. You cannot do such a goofy anime any better than this, and it's GREAT! I friggin LOVED it.

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  • 36 weeks
    Last call for Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items Sept 1st to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP!

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  • 41 weeks
    Last Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items at the end of the summer to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP! Around Sept 1 is when the MLP items are

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Kavanaugh. FBI report update. · 1:20am Sep 29th, 2018

EDIT 10-4-18 So, the first info on the FBI report has come out... and as anyone with a brain would expect, they found exactly diddly squat. What else could be the result when all they had were a half a dozen witnesses, all of whom outright contradicted Dr. Ford, whose testimony was filled with so many holes and convenient lapses of memory that a judge would have thrown it instantly out of court?

And the other two accusers... my god, their accounts are so phony and fraudulent even most hard-core leftists are fleeing from them. But Ford has made a huge blunder. She testified in front of a full Senate committee. And how there's evidence she not only lied, but concocted this story with help from SOMEONE in the Democratic Party. There is also the curious coincidence that the law firm representing Swetnick (and for quite a long time, in at least two PREVIOUS false allegations against other people!) is the SAME ONE representing Ford. And Ford's brother worked for a legal team that just so happened to hire Fusion GPS... the media outfit backed by a Russian bank... to produce the Trump dossier.

One coincidence is funny. Two is fishy. Three is a conspiracy.

I have never, in all my years of carefully watching everything, seen such an outrageous character assassination by rehearsed, coordinated, pre-written, false allegations propped up by the media and the left to attempt to destroy a good man with a stellar record.

The left, I shall now unambiguously declare, is my primary enemy.

They have made a greater mistake than they will ever comprehend. All my knowledge and wisdom and cunning shall now be bent entirely toward their utter destruction.

Comments ( 20 )

To be fair you won't have to do much. The left is already imploding on itself as they've long since lost the faith of most sensible people. Their continued longevity is only due to their currently entrenched media power and that won't last forever as people continue to shift away from traditional media.

Media circuses like this one only serve to further alienate them from the common person. Really the only reason these clowns still have their positions is due to people disbelieving the raw audacity that they'd make such claims without proof.

The left is approximately 50% of the US population. It's not a very easy enemy to defeat.

Welcome to the real fight, my friend.

What's the joke? I make the same comment in reverse to leftists whenever they talk about defeating the right or how the right is morally evil too. Their common response is that Hillary won the popular vote and the right is actually <50% of the population.


To be fair I'll agree that 50% or more of the U.S. is left leaning, but when many people make disparaging remarks about the left they're refer to the more radical and regressive left that's become increasingly toxic and active in recent years. This toxic left is why 'the right' is on the rebound in popularity as they're not right leaning, they're just anti-'left'.

And while yes Hilary did win the popular vote that's largely due to concentration in urban population centers. Meanwhile most people who do not live in cities are confused and appalled by the behavior of 'the left' and mainstream media.

I'm not convinced that there's a small but influential toxic left that's separate from standard democrats. Anyway the way two party systems work is that both parties tend to the center so I think the standard democrat politician is representative of moderate liberals if anything.

Dismissing people who live in cities seems a bit weird when 80% of the US population live in cities according to reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-cities-population/more-americans-move-to-cities-in-past-decade-census-idUSL2E8EQ5AJ20120326

Actually the parties only really center out when at the very light (Centrists basically) or very deep ends (the Extremists). I think it's called the horseshoe effect or something like that.

Also I'm not dismissing the opinions of people living in cities. Just a few particularly vocal cities like New York, L.A. and D.C. which dominate both media and political attention, warping the perception of the discussion when presented to the nation as a whole.

That said the popular vote is a terrible way to decide matters on a national level as it would simply result in a 'tyranny of the masses' scenario and lead to even worse social schisms then we're seeing now.


It’s laughable because the Left are a) pansies who crumple under anything they deem “offensive” (of which there are countless examples; I myself have reduced a Leftist...”male”...to tears simply because I calmly informed him that guns do not kill people and kept doing so over him shrieking, and I mean all of that literally) without a fingger being laid on them, b) cowards who refuse, with a scant handful of exceptions, to take any actions alone or in places where they do not have a strong sympathy base, and (Antifa and their “Black Bloc”, Black Lives Matter, etc.) c) lack any sort of true hierarchy and cohesion by simple dint of the fact that they will eat each other alive for not being “true Leftists” if there are no Right wing “targets” to go after (Hillary supporters vs. Bernie supporters, the current internecine conflict between Antifa and Black Lives Matter, or the civil war between POC Third Wave Feminists and White Third Wave Feminists, etc.).

Also the fact that, strategically, the vast majority of these morons are located within the most idiotic place to be in during a conflict...cities.

Cities have always been easy to lay siege to, and modern cities even more so, given the fact that they have even higher population density than ever before in conjunction with the fact that modern-day cities import even more food, water, and medicine than ever in history. Also, given many cities allowing people to defecate in the streets, combined with many city-dwellers hygiene practices (or lack thereof) being suspect at best...can you say “disease-ridden cesspool”?

I don’t know if you remember, but sometime last year, the city of Atlanta had a bridge collapse on a thoroughfare on the outskirts of the city proper; as I can attest (I was forced to be there for some days for my job and hated every minute of it), traffic there was almost completely at a standstill, as thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people were forced to find other ways to reach their destination. Hours upon hours of waiting cars, taxis, buses, bumper to bumper, all trying to get to their place of work or school or whatever.

Not to mention the ambulances trying to reach people in need, firetrucks unable to reach blazes, and police officers shutting off the lights because by the time they got there, the criminals would be long gone.

All that...

From ONE road being out of commission without any warning.

What happens when ALL the roads in and out are blockaded, all water and electric flow into the city is shut off, and no stock trucks for the grocery stores and restaurants are allowed through?

Then take into account the panic, the crime, the looting, the mobs of frightened people destroying anything in reach because the sheer panic needs some sort of outlet, ANY outlet. The hospitals. police departments, EMS, and fire departments (most of which, as research can tell you) are woefully over-stretched and under-staffed and barely-supplied when things are relatively peaceful (note the relatively, there); how well will they deal when things go completely south, and they have no hope of reinforcement or re-supply from the outside?

And that’s if the people who make up these organizations even bother to come in ro work instead of going home to their families and making sure that they are safe.

Also, how many people know how to be self-sustaining in a city? It’s hard in a good time; it’s impossible in a crisis, doubly so if you are trying to feed more than one small family. There just isn’t enough space to grow the necessary amounts of food to feed that many people confined within a city’s limits. Most people in a city in America never learn how to tend a vegetable garden because there’s a convenience store or restaurant just a couple blocks down with anything they could want. Those that DO know would have to be ever-vigilant against thieves or marauders who would either steal their crop or simply kill them and take the whole thing.

Many cities have strictly-enforced gun laws, which means the average law-abiding citizen eouldn’t have one...but the criminals would, so who would be running the streets in the end?

With all that said, if it came down to a true civil war, which I am firmly convinced is going to happen within our lifetimes if balkanization doesn’t happen first, then all the Right would have to do is blockade and quarantine the cities, and wait for inevitable surrender, as most of the Left’s “forces” simply would not be able to survive for very long.

Also, let’s not forget which side has most, if not all, of the guns and military training.


Dismissing New York and L.A still seem bit silly to dismiss when they are still major population centers and very powerful economically. And again, I'm not convinced they're outliers and the rest of liberals disagree with them.

It's very easy for someone who agrees with Conservatives to think that a system that favours Conservatives is good. You don't want a tyranny of the majority, but how is that worse than a tyranny of the minority? Why should rural citizens votes count for more than urban citizens?

And I'd to see your source for claiming parties balance out at the deep ends. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duverger%27s_law Duverger's Law which I think is a good model disagrees. And even if you are right, the Democratic party is far from extreme. Just look to the National Democratic Party in Canada to see how there's already a mainstream party that is much more leftist than Democrats. The Democrats are very far from communists.

I'm not convinced liberals are all pansies and I'm very skeptical of your personal anecdote. And if the left are barely organized and eat each other alive, that reflects pretty badly on the Republicans since liberals have won approximately half of US elections.

As for laying siege to cities... WTF? You want to lay siege to other American cities? How in the world does that play out without utterly crippling the global economy? US cities are not designed for military purposes, but that's why it's good the US has a powerful military(I do agree the US spends an appropriate amount on the military, albeit it could be done far more efficiently). Your point is like saying the Roman Empire invested too much in its cities and that's why it collapsed- kind of true, but Rome wouldn't even be great in the first place if not for its cities.



Truly this is an age of heroes, but one stands above all others

These heroes though... they have no holiday to mark their deeds, no pedastal on which to stand, they are not marked in any book nor spoken of in any class, for they do not care for such frivalous things. For they are \anon, and they live on in the hearts of all... and as gold members on pornhub.


Be skeptical all you want; I was flabbergasted at the spectacle of a grown man literally bursting into tears and screaming at me to shut up, myself. But then again, I don’t know why I was surprised; most Leftists I have had debates with tend to retreat into either hysterics, appeals to morality, or self-righteous indignation, particularly when the facts not only do not support their positions, but actively destroy those positions.

That was the only man I’ve made cry, though.

And as for the Right’s ability to function, I agree. The problem is the fact that the majority of Right wing voters have come to realize that there aren’t any real Right wing politicians to vote for, just Conservatives/Neocons (politicians who would have been Leftists 20 years ago), or they fall for the tactics we are seeing played against Roy Moore or Brett Kavanaugh. They’re playing a waiting game...which is stupid, but (shrugs) Normies gonna Normie.

Although I was pleasantly surprised about Lindsey Graham showing at least two vertebrae.

Normie Republicans do what the blue-collar workers, peasantry, and smallfolk have always done when a storm is coming, which is hunker down and wait it out; what they don’t realize is that this isn’t a storm they can weather and still have their way of life left intact.

Also, the last election and how contentious it was between the Hillary and Bernie camps proves my point better than yours, as well as the ongoing conflicts I listed above. In fact, the only time the Left can agree on anything, it’s an outpouring of vitriol...which inevitably purity spirals into who hates anyone who isn’t a Leftist more or who isn’t pure enough of a Leftist.

Trust me, I’ve seen this many times with many different Leftist groups; without an enemy, they turn on each other faster than you can think. Hell, even Antifa can’t agree half the time on who is or isn’t a FascistracistnazihomophobewhitecismaleDrumpf.

It’s...rather amusing to watch, really.

(Looks at your response, then at my answer, and back at your response) ...aaaaannnnnnd where did I say I WANTED to lay siege to American cities?

I was merely remarking on how EASY it is to do so, and historically, it is EXTRAORDINARILY easy.

...and who gives a shit about the global economy? If a civil war or balkanization happens, the global economy is shot anyway; China would suffer as its most major debtholder (the US) would be in a complete shambles, the Middle East would be suffering a crisis as one of its major oil customers would probably not be too concerned with buying oil at the time, Israel would be without its idiot big brother to hide behind, and Western Europe would be in a blind panic as the only country worth a damn in NATO would be unable to meet its obligations. Why the hell would the global economy even be a factor for America in any realistic decision-making process at that point?

As for whether or not having a well-funded standing military is a good thing or not is debatable; any organization that is funded needs to justify that funding, and how does a government that wants to keep a standing military justify having that military?

By constantly going to war.

Think about it.

Also, I am of the opinion that we actually spend too much on the military; if we cut off funding to places like Israel, Haiti, Africa, etc, and withdraw our troops from places we have no business being in the first place, that money could be used to fund the military handily, with what we HAD been using to fund it going elsewhere.

And as far as the Rome analogy goes, I will remark that is true...but here’s the thing.

Rome fell, and its shining jewels of cities were NOT places you wanted to be when that happened.

The people out in the countryside, however...not much changed for them. There was some upheaval, yes, and things were a bit more dangerous...

But the death and chaos that reigned in the cities was not nearly as present in the small towns and villages.

Which brings an interesting question to mind.

Is it better to have a grand, sophisticated empire, with high towers and broad streets with every pleasure imaginable, but will (relatively) soon end in flames, rape, and death?

Or is it better to have a smaller civilization that isn’t as sophisticated and complex, but is more organic and will last longer for it, and provide stability for generations to come?

Think about it, and while you’re thinking consider this.

Very few empires have survived longer than 200 years before falling to rot and corruption from the inside, eventually collapsing under its own weight.

How old is the US? And would you say that its corruption problem has gotten better or worse as time has gone on?


"Be skeptical all you want; I was flabbergasted at the spectacle of a grown man literally bursting into tears and screaming at me to shut up, myself. But then again, I don’t know why I was surprised; most Leftists I have had debates with tend to retreat into either hysterics, appeals to morality, or self-righteous indignation, particularly when the facts not only do not support their positions, but actively destroy those positions."

I think this is a scenario where we're going to have agree to disagree. I don't actually know your personally experiences, so I can't really tell you you're wrong, but it is so different from my personal experiences I do not remotely believe events really happened as you describe them.

I'm pretty sure that Antifa and similar groups only make up a small fraction of the left. They're the left's equivalent of the KKK, idiot extremists. Slandering the entire right by comparing them to the KKK is ridiculous, so is slandering the entire left by comparing them to Antifa. The left as a whole isn't perfectly unified, but then so isn't the right. Many conservatives spoke out against Trump before falling in line. I expect it'd have been similar if Hillary won with the Bernie supporters speaking out against her before falling in line.

"...and who gives a shit about the global economy?"

Literally everyone? America is part of the global community too, and if the global economy goes to crap so do American lives.

"Also, I am of the opinion that we actually spend too much on the military; if we cut off funding to places like Israel, Haiti, Africa, etc, and withdraw our troops from places we have no business being in the first place, that money could be used to fund the military handily, with what we HAD been using to fund it going elsewhere."

Bit ironic here that the conservative is saying we need less military spending and intervention, and the liberal is saying things are fine as they are. But I don't like debating things that I'm not confident I'm right about, and I'm not confident I'm right about the correct level of military spending, so I guess I'll leave off that point.

The question about whether it's good to have a shining empire that will eventually fall or just to never have the empire is a good one. Personally, I think it is good. Otherwise we'd still be bronze age farmers living in small miserable communities. Technological progress happens in cities, not farming villages. And I think predictions about what the future will hold are basically impossible, there are too many world-changing technologies all being independently developed, and how 1 let alone dozens will change the world is hard to predict. Nuclear fusion could solve so many problems, Mars colonization could solve so many problems, gene editing and cloning could solve so many problems, water desalination could solve so many problems, advanced AI labour could solve so many problems... but at the same time each of those could cause many problems. Guessing what the world would be like and whether nations will collapse or prosper I don't think is effectively possible. But the world is progressing, even if the USA ruralified doesn't mean China or the EU will, so the best hope is just to try our best and hope for the best.


I wouldn't say I'm dismissing those cities, I just regard them as vocal minority that skews public perception of the issues and as a side effect the political activists involved.

Also I'm going to be up front and admit I'm not a politically savvy individual. Political theories and parties have always struck me as over complicated nonsense and I've always focused my attention more on the issues being debated rather then the groups and individuals debating them. In fact from what I've been told I'm actually quite liberal leaning in my values, I just disagree with the vocal left on almost everything.

And again, I tell you that it has only happened to me personally once, and I was rather taken aback by it.

I'm pretty sure that Antifa and similar groups only make up a small fraction of the left. They're the left's equivalent of the KKK, idiot extremists. Slandering the entire right by comparing them to the KKK is ridiculous, so is slandering the entire left by comparing them to Antifa. The left as a whole isn't perfectly unified, but then so isn't the right. Many conservatives spoke out against Trump before falling in line. I expect it'd have been similar if Hillary won with the Bernie supporters speaking out against her before falling in line.

Ah, yes, the supposed “Moderate Majority” of both Left and Right wings.

I despise them, and they do not matter.

Why do they not matter? Simple: they are typically fence-straddlers who view those nominally on their side who are NOT moderate as redheaded stepchildren. If the redheaded stepchild does wrong, then they will immediately distance themselves because they aren’t really the kid’s parent. If the redheaded stepchild does right, then they immediately claim credit because they raised the kid to be great, dontcha know.

It’s utterly sickening. Fair-weather fliers and sunny-day soldiers.

There’s a reason why revolutions rarely involve a majority of a population.

Also, here’s the thing. You’ll find Right wingers (both average joe and politician) actively speaking out and demonstrating against the KKK. Hell, Ted Cruz led the charge to condemn the Alt-Right after the Charlottesville UTR protests, not rescinding it even after the independent investigation found that both Antifa and the CVille police department were at fault.

Where are the Leftists actively protesting Antifa?

Literally everyone? America is part of the global community too, and if the global economy goes to crap so do American lives.

What part of “if there is a civil war in America everything will go to shit anyway” is complicated?

Two, I certainly don’t give a shit, and the civil war hasn’t even gone hot yet.

I don’t get warm fuzzies from my tax dollars going (without my consent) to aid foreign countries where the people never see it but the “president” of that country suddenly got a new gold-plated urinal for his cat. I don’t get a good feeling when some US-backed organization goes and digs wells of clean water for a bunch of kids in some bass-ackwards country nobody can even spell the name of, and then have to go back again to dig more because apprently being taught that popping a squat over the well would contaminate the water and render it undrinkable apparently didn’t sink in, wash-rinse-repeat every two years. I don’t feel good about myself watching my friends and neighbors march off to die for a bunch of people who are too shiftless to make their own country better and expect us to do it for them, or to let them into our countries and learn nothing about our ways and our civilization, instead making it look like their former homes, who will thank us one minute and then unload a full magazine from an AK-47 into our backs the next. I don’t find myself with a case of fluffy critters in my veins when countries who have called us their greatest ally and themselves our best friends jab at us, talk down to us, and insult us, only to hold out their hands and demand more money or military aid with a smile on the half of the face we can see and a sneer on the half we can’t.

I feel resentment, and I feel anger, and I feel hatred.

Not just at these stupid, dishonest people, but at the stupid, dishonest politicians and lobbyists and talking heads on the magic box in the living room who have convinced us that not only is this the single viable path we can take, but the single good and righteous one, and how evil I am for wondering otherwise.

You’ll pardon me if I literally tell the rest of the world to go sit on a traffic cone and spin for a good, long time.

Bit ironic here that the conservative is saying

the conservative



I am not one of those IDIOTS. They’re nothing more than the Leftists of 20 years ago. They have “Conserved” NOTHING. They do not FIGHT. They are more concerned with looking squeaky clean than they are about WINNING. They couldn’t even conserve the girl’s bathroom from being legally invaded by grown men playing dressup.

THEY. ARE. SCUM. They know they are guaranteed money and power by making promises they’ll never keep.

Shysters. ALL OF THEM.

Otherwise we'd still be bronze age farmers living in small miserable communities.

And here we see the paradox of Enlightenment.

It’s easy for us to say that we’d be miserable, with our world of fast food, easily-accessible entertainment, and over-the-counter painkillers.

But if we’d never had those things in the first place, how would we know better.

Hence the aforementioned paradox of Enlightenment and, by extension, Philanthropy.

Is it good to help a less well-off or advanced people if it means that they will understand how miserable their lives are in comparison to yours? Are we blessing them with resources, or cursing them with knowledge?

Of course, this is all academic now.

Or is it?

There is a book I read recently that speaks of something similar to what we are discussing in this segment; essentially, Man is rushing towards a point where we will either voluntarily divest ourselves of much (though certainly not all) of our technology, or we will destroy ourselves with it. The concept is called “Archeofuturism”, and much of it makes sense.

Technological progress happens in cities, not farming villages.

Again, very debatable.

could solve so many problems...cause many problems

As you say. A huge issue many of us on the Right have with technology is not so much the possession of it as much as it is the habit of scientists, politicians, and regular people to rush into things without having considered all the ramifications such things might have, societally, economically, etc. How many medicines have been approved of in the last few decades that had to be recalled because they caused increased risks of cancer? How many prosthetics ended up poisoning the bodies they were supposed to help? How many “vitamin-enriched” foods have wound up screwing with hormone levels in kids?

Man’s problem is that we are a combination of too smart for our own good and entirely too excitable; we leap before we even register whether or not there is an opposite side to jump to.

But the world is progressing, even if the USA ruralified doesn't mean China or the EU will

No, it isn’t. The world is following the same patterns set down millennia ago; the only difference is the technology and where the lines on the maps are drawn.

And the EU won’t be around for much longer. The European people are waking up to what’s been done to them by their unelected corporate masters.

A pity that it’s too late; the damage wrought by years of cultural and social debasement in accompaniment to the migrant invasion in the last few years have forever altered Western Europe.

It’s rather funny in an infuriating way, really.

When the Europeans did it to the world, it was colonization and evil.

When the world did it to Europe, it was called diversification and good.

As for China (shrugs) let them and Russia duke it out for a while.

(Laughs a lá Joker)

4945200 I would like to believe that, but if the voters simply don't show up... the left wins. The HARD LEFT wins. And we have more than enough examples world-wide of what becomes of countries where they seize power.

Politicians don't care about people who don't vote. They have no voice, they have no power. They're too timid and indecisive to matter, and will simply fold when a totalitarian regime takes over, and try to keep their own tiny lives out of the view of the madmen in charge. This, naturally, doesn't work all that well. But by the time they figure it out, they're helpless anyway.

A few countries in Eastern Europe have realized the danger, many because the memory of the sufferings of the Iron Curtain are still very fresh in their memories, and they recognize the same patterns. And, interestingly, Italy made a tremendous reversal, in spite of the influence of a very socialist Pope.

As for a fresher example than Venezuela, which is now going through the final death throes, to such an extent that even Maduro openly admitted the socialist economic policy failed: https://www.yahoo.com/news/venezuelas-president-admits-economy-failed-193020358.html

...watch South Africa instead for the process on fast-forward. South Africa has fully embraced the philosophy of race revenge politics AND communism. It will collapse completely within 3 years, and many innocent people will die. A government founded upon hatred quickly turns into hatred against itself.

4945655 Oddly enough, 4chan is leading the charge against SJWs, as are lead programmers in Linux software who are resisting the demand to censorship by threatening to pull their permission for the use of their programming.


This is the 'Contributor Covenant', which forces every contributor into silence if they object to anything the leftist creators of the covenant demand. This supposedly means 'harassment' of any kind is not allowed... but THEY get to decide what defines 'harassment'. And, as usual, it's still perfectly acceptable of them to attack and threaten anyone they label a 'fascist'.

This is a massive attack on every avenue of our society.

Trust me, dude, this war you’re just stepping into? It’s been going on behind the scenes for a few years now. The Leftist media just won’t cover it.

The awesome thing is this.

In war, when do you start sustaining the most fire from the enemy?

When you’re directly above the target.

We’re doing massive damage to them; they’re freaking out so badly because they know it.

4946028 I know very well the civil uprising has been going on in secret. I'm quite old, and have watched for decades. I saw this constant media and democrat attacking to a lesser extent with Reagan, then with both Bushs. Always they began with the nuclear war paranoia, then moved on to the racism angle, and finally the misogyny.

The difference is, the people were more aware. There were fewer distractions, people had more general knowledge of how the nation worked. We now face the greatest enemy of all to the truth: ignorance.

This is the one advantage the left have; too many people may not be able to see through the lies because they know so little. This is why they're attacking so openly now. They think they have enough useful idiots at last.

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