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Human. Still human. ["with sentences [...] reads like they were written by a drunk, stoned, and autistic disorganized schizophrenic", as one said]

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Guess still being able to be surprized is a good thing ... · 12:02am May 23rd, 2018

So, I was reading more technical blogs, and found this blogpost from freedesktop.org page:


Warning: the following is ruthlessly technical and contains My Little Pony references. Proceed at your own risk.

Hahahaha :} This made me laugh a lot. And think at the same time. Guess I simply can't stop thinking..lets hope it will lead to _something_ and not just ..more thinking :/

One my friend was a little bit afraid when I started to discuss some implications of early flying on civilization, because ..well, not everyone likes this specific show. Hm, so I toned my voice down a bit. But then ..is MLP sort-of subculture? And what subculture mean? And what it should do? It seems sub-culture grows from bigger main body of culture, so it shared a lot with it (often good and not-so-good , in one package), but then run on its own path for some time, still mostly being just a little parallel/away from main-stream. And in itself this substream separates into mainstream and few others.

It seems more intelligent humans might be either attracted by not-so-mainstream things (because they make them think, for example.hm, this is a bit too much of self-projecting, i think). Or they can see things as too much in common with some not so nice aspects of our dominant civ (for example when something widely spreading not due to quality, but due to just a lot of presence around). I try to look at everything from wide viewpoint - TV show is not just show, book is not a single thing, but has authors/readers/past as context, many things seen differently after you learn (or unlearn) few fundamental unsolved problems of our civilization ...

Watching something together, or discussing something is definitely social thing, but ..in our time social can mean a lot of things, not all of them truely positive. I just hope at least some humans who watch, read and write (and do other things, like painting, 3d modelling, game development ...) about this specific fictional universe will also find _working_ ways to implement some of those easy on paper but damn hard in real-life lessons of friendship. And not only with humans as equally-important, but with/for non-humans, as well, be those real-world horses, dogs, cats, foxes, birds ...dolphins ..or even humans (I mean we often overemphatise some supposedly or sometimes really human-only thing in our behavior, but we also live beings, not some abstract conceptions from some philosophical views from often distant past)!

Problem is, making real changes for the better is extremely demanding. And instead of reward you get effective punishment (because you disturbed order-of-things-and-beings, as set up by some ..less-than-good humans from distant past, again) :/ There is big gap between what you supposed to do as ..some kind of neo-humanist (one who is not about putting humans on the throne, because our own over-hierarchism is not helping us on any scale) and what you realistically can do. Just doing little things too easily overstomped by bigger powers seeking other, short-sightened, narrow goals, goals aimed at continuing some_activity_ no matter what (even if some emphatical and even utilitarian reasons says we can cool off and stop pushing this faster and further ..this competition thing constantly surfaced in show (watched up to S06-e04) and from the situations one can get we really shouldn't put this competition thing above anything and anyone else, it only good as part, not as ever growing whole! yet, political and economical life still set-up in assumption more competition is always good, but even then in reality smaller players constantly crushed, you can't change rules for making it less ...stupid and anti-social, at large ...capitalists not about to play communism/anarchism even as test, or deviate from their rigid model based on 200 years old/outdated by now/ views on human nature, nature's nature and so on! and this, enormous inertia of some billions of humans accelerating and unable to change any direction for real ..is hardly something I can stomach ....sure, small things like helping some dogs or alike helps. But everything else is going in different, wrong direction, I don't want to have any illusions about it (because illusions disallow us for even recognizing real situation, even if in short run they can be helpful or even life-saving), nor I can imagine (!) anything changing things from their downpath!

Current system is adaptive, it basically transforms anything into part of it, and just continue ...Critical thinking looked like part of answer, but it quickly become just maze of disputes, with very rare practical advice. Terms like voluntary or social were used in so many situations it hard to use them without tons of redefination. Most humans prefer not see this worrying layer of reality. And I ask myself ..even if they wanted to change it all - how they can, if they functionally not ready - no enough thinking, no ability to self-control themselves in situations when someone intentionally or not started to pull some ethological-level strings? You can't be at war with everyone, for whole of your life. Yet, just sitting behind my computer and doing human_only_things definitely not helping anydolphin, or any(real)pony, if this really matter for anyone :/ I already run into reality of human relations, how they talk about being better, yet when time to act comes..they simply can't, can't even admit they did it wrong! And those not just isolated incidents ... In this world, friendship is broken, at least when it comes to helping non-humans. And I have no idea if in all my life I will able to do anything about it :/

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