cool song i found (kind of) · 3:40am May 16th, 2018
my friend made me listen to this song, and i thought i would share it with you peoples, dedicated to my amazing boyfriend Mini_luna!
im genderfluid guys, if anybody reads this. guess ill find out.
my friend made me listen to this song, and i thought i would share it with you peoples, dedicated to my amazing boyfriend Mini_luna!
The music was great and the animatic was adorable.
4861873 um, i didnt even realize that. coincidence, i just really like that show.
4861872 thank you!
4861873 Uh, Femboy does not equal considering one's self the opposite gender (it would be like calling a tomboy male because they act like a guy). That would be more along the lines of gender fluidity.
4861873 Also, resource image.
4861875 You're welcome.
4861893 Yeah, sorry about that. I, well, don't have much of a sense of discretion.
4861893 And sorry if what I said hurt or upset you.