• Member Since 18th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen July 19th


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More Blog Posts4

  • 194 weeks
    A certified bruh moment


    It's been a spicy second since I last did ANYTHING here. There is a pretty fucking good reason for that.

    First off, I had to finish up school, which detracted from my time to do anything. Secondly, I devoted a lot of time to art, and lastly, I joined the Army. So, yeah, writing has very low on the priority list.

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    4 comments · 170 views
  • 310 weeks
    Update 8-17-18

    Hello to the 7 of you who follow me!
    I won't bore you with details of my personal life, but Fall Semester has started for me, and as a result less writing will be done. That said, I will still try to get things out as often as possible, but that's easier said than done.

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  • 314 weeks
    Another quick update

    Alright. I'm taking a break on No Way Back because writers block is a bitch. However,I have begun on a new story, again HiE, and this one will be substantially shorter, and easier to write. I also leave for England in literally 2 days, so not much will get done then.

    0 comments · 177 views
  • 329 weeks
    Progress Update

    To the like 3 people who maybe follow me:
    Chapter 5 of No Way Back is still being written, yes I am actively writing it. No need to worry.
    It'll be out eventually.

    0 comments · 197 views

Progress Update · 4:50am Apr 7th, 2018

To the like 3 people who maybe follow me:
Chapter 5 of No Way Back is still being written, yes I am actively writing it. No need to worry.
It'll be out eventually.

Report Kalashnikitty · 197 views · Story: No Way Back ·
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