• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

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  • 2 weeks
    Torture Ideas for story plots.

    Why? Because sometimes you need to do so, or perhaps you have an OC who happens to be into the whole torture scene/is apart of an organization that occasionally needs to use harsh methods to extract information from otherwise "difficult" informants. (Yes I'm aware that was a run-on sentence. Sue me if you dare). Anyhow, allow my mystical knowledge to help with ideas for torture that can

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  • 3 weeks
    Happy 20th Anniversary "Shrek 2"

    Original Release Date: May 19th, 2004

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  • 3 weeks
    "Wicked"|| Official Trailer

    People. Fans of musicals. Fans of the story "The Wizard of Oz". KEEP NOVEMBER 28TH MARKED ON A CALENDAR!!!!! Part 1 of "Wicked" is soon upon us!!! When I tell you I almost had a stroke on the bus back from class when I saw this earlier, I stg!!!

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  • 4 weeks
    Ponies and Periods (Men Who are Squeamish This is Your Warning Now)

    Okay so that's out of the way. You're probably wondering about that title. Well on one end I was watching the original MLP movie the other night with my best guy friend and of course this being my "blessed" time of the month, he wisely came bearing my "please don't murder me" package he brings me every 3 or so months (disclosure: mine aren't regular because of birth control) and sat with me while

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  • 9 weeks
    Not Gonna troll at ALL today...

    I'm serious.....

    Not gonna do it......

    Seriously! I'm not gonna......

    Clicky :twilightsmile: for some Cafe ambiance...so soothing!

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"How Does A Moment Last Forever (From the movie "Beauty and the Beast [2017]")"- Celine Dion · 9:50pm Apr 2nd, 2018

How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy, but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, our time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts and always will

Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on

Maybe some moments weren't so perfect
Maybe some memories not so sweet
But we have to know some bad times
Or our lives are incomplete
Then when the shadows overtake us
Just when we feel all hope is gone
We'll hear our song and know once more
Our love lives on

How does a moment last forever?
How does our happiness endure?
Through the darkest of our troubles
Love is beauty, love is pure
Love pays no mind to desolation
It flows like a river through the soul
Protects, proceeds, and perseveres
And makes us whole

Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on
How does a moment last forever:
When our song lives on

Comments ( 16 )

Nice song. :)

I know right? Probably one of the few good ones in the 2017 remake.

4831455 I actually liked the new movie. But I agree that the songs could have been done a little better.

As did I. They had elements of both the original story La Belle et le BĂȘte as well as from the 1991 film Beauty and the Beast! I love how they did that as well as adding a few new elements. The music however...as I said before.

4831578 Yeah, it is too bad about the music. Otherwise I loved it. :)

Exactly. While the music was....less than adequate (My only 2 exceptions are this song and the version of "Beauty and the Beast" that Ariana Grande and John Legend did)...the film itself was beautiful.

4831591 I loved that they put in the thing about the book that can take you wherever you want to go. XD

I loved that part too, even if it seemed a bit...out of place? Yeah....

4831635 Well it is probably because we are used to the cartoon version. So anything else that is added will seem a bit odd.

To some, maybe. To me? Well...since I did an extensive research on the sorce material (i.e. The original French fairytale) I automatically noted the elements that were taken from both the fairytale and the animated movie.

4831839 I'm also familiar with the French version. XD I am a big fan of fairy tales, especially different versions of them and ones from around the world.

4831895 Yay! It is good to meet another fairy tale fan. XD

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