• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I write the pone, I read the pone, I love the pone. I also accept Paypal donations if you like my stories: https://paypal.me/lotusteadragon

More Blog Posts57

  • 50 weeks
    Happy Holidays!

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hearth's Warming, Merry Winter Wish Day, and all of the other season's greetings! May you be happy, healthy, and where you need to be this coming year. All of my blessings to you,


    0 comments · 62 views
  • 51 weeks
    A Hearth's Warming Hoof Made The Feature Box!

    Sweet Celestia, it finally happened! After years and years of writing stories, I finally made the feature box!
    I realize it might not seem like much to some, it matters a great deal to me to know that people enjoyed my story!

    So on 12/20/2023, one of my stories finally made the feature box! :rainbowkiss::applejackconfused:


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    5 comments · 120 views
  • 51 weeks
    A Hearth's Warming Hoof

    First new story in 5 years. Wow.
    It's short and (mostly) sweet, and I hope you enjoy it, my friends.

    I love Christmas.
    I love Hearth's Warming.
    I love AppleDash.

    2 comments · 78 views
  • 103 weeks
    Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

    I want to wish everyone, and especially my readers, a very joyful holiday season. May you have peace, be surrounded by the people you love most, and may your tummies be filled, and you have a warm, happy place to sleep.

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    2 comments · 132 views
  • 114 weeks
    Pen to Paper

    Hello friends, it's been a while, a lot has happened since I last finished "A Tempest Tossed," to a smattering of applause and some disappointment, I'm sure. I was burned out, exhausted, my personal life was wall to wall caregiving, and I couldn't muster the mental energy I needed to focus on the story right and proper.

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    3 comments · 176 views

Closing Account · 4:56am Dec 15th, 2017

Hello one more time, my friends.

I know I said I wouldn't, but I have to recant. In a day or so, I will be deleting my account. If you want to keep my stories, I recommend downloading them. I will be deleting my account approximately 24 hours from now, so if you want them, now's the time to get them.

I apologize if this distresses you, I intend no distress. It's just a step I feel I have to take. Still, if you like my stories, and so many of you have (and I will always be grateful), this is your chance to get them before they're gone for good.

All of my love,

Report LotusTeaDragon · 206 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Already done...wish you would reconsider.

Already downloaded em all after posting on ya last blog, always like rereading good writing whether an existing book or the fanfics online

A lot of personal issues, and dealing with people who just like to destroy. I really am sorry.

I'm glad you did, and while I won't reconsider, I did give a couple of extra days just because I figured some folks wouldn't see the announcement until they came to work on Monday.

I really am glad you enjoyed them, and thank you for caring so much. :)

I will be deleting the account tonight at midnight, Eastern time. Thank you all for loving and reading my work. It means the world to me.

4752541 No problem n good luck

Oh. Good luck



Thank you. Make sure if any of you want the stories to download them before Midnight.

I can't say I'm not disappointed. :fluttershysad: But I don't know your situation.

Regardless, good thoughts with whatever comes next.

I missed the deadline damn it.

Do you by chance have your stories on another site that I can still read them on?

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