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Shire Folk

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TVTropes · 4:42am Oct 18th, 2012


Why don't I have a page yet?

Report Shire Folk · 564 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Because the majority of your readers are lazy? That's my theory. (Well, not really.)

I'd offer to do it, but, you know, I'm already three months behind on my latest update. :twilightsheepish:

Aspicio, diluculo Infinitas Noctis.
Shadow Horizons

No one better fits what 430299 said than myself. However I don't ever go to TVTropes, so I don't feel inclined to make a page for anything anyway.

I have no idea. /Medic. Joking aside, I would have thought you would have a few by now. I checked a while back under Kingdom Hearts Fanfic Recs and found you under authors. . . but not your stories. I was greatly confused.

430299>>430308 It doesn't even necessarily have to even be about Guardians of Magic. I've been writing Annals of Darkness for over five years and it's been referenced a few times on different TVTropes pages from Fanfic Recs to Celebrity Paradox. Why doesn't it have its own page yet?

I was actually talking about the Annals. :rainbowlaugh:

Meh, TV Tropes is sooooooo 3 months ago. :trollestia:

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