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"... okay, I have another plan!"

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  • 2 weeks
    Fallout Review

    It's been a while since I've done some reviews, so I figure I'm gonna review something that I've been getting into a lot as of late; Fallout! I have finally become integrated into the fandom, and I am happy for it, I've been in love with this series more and more as I get involved with it. I've gotten Fallout 4 in honor of the show (which I intend to review at some point after I finish it) and I

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  • 6 weeks
    Check In

    Afternoon/evening folks!

    Sorry I haven't been checking in as often as I should; rest assured I'm not dead, I'm still here, just been silent as of late. Still working on fics, but also constantly debating with myself on what to focus on next, wanted to make some new stuff that isn't just Shattered or Star Wars. Wanna bring more folks in, do somethin' new.

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  • 21 weeks
    Top Ten Films/Series Of 2023/Reflections

    First off, Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

    Hard to believe another year has passed, hasn't it? *sighs* how time has flown by. A lot's happened this year; more stories, more creativity and entertainment has come, and I've learned more about myself, and I am very glad for that.

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  • 22 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

    Hey everyone!

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  • 24 weeks
    The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Review

    This special is just hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

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My Little Pony: The Movie Review! · 2:38pm Oct 15th, 2017

Boys and girls. ... I am still sick. My nose is stuffed up and my voice is still a little hoarse (do not make any puns on that, no pun intended) but I am making sure to take my meds regularly, and keep my distance!

Anyways, lets get down to business. Now I know I said this month was devoted for Halloween reviews, but just this once, I'll break the Halloween barrier and review this event because I simply cannot wait to talk about this!!!

Boys and girls. After so long... after many years of being in the fandom and waiting, and waiting, and waiting... we finally received a My Little Pony Movie, and what did we think?

Well according the critics on Rotten Tomatoes, IGN, or any other site that's not IMDb, they all think its the worst piece of cinema put on screen and it should burn in hell. Okay, Rotten Tomatoes? IGN? Screw you, okay, just... just screw you. That's not being fair.

But I do know that the rest of the fandom and others around the world are being fair when reviewing this, so I'll be fair too. Lets jump right into the magical world that is: My Little Pony, The Movie!

So the movie centers around Twilight Sparkle and her friends who are enjoying their every day lives, as per usual, but once again a new threat takes center stage. This time, the heralds of the maniacal and pretty silly Storm King, and one of them led by the evil Tempest Shadow. Their plan is steal all of the magic belonging to the princesses so the Storm King can rule all of Equestria. But with three princesses down, its just up to Twilight and her friends to travel across the world and stop this evil rule before they do more damage...

Now when I heard about this, I was really excited. First off, I thought it was awesome that we finally got this into theaters. But there were some issues that stood in my way. One of them being, almost every critic who worked with IGN or Rotten Tomatoes was being completely unfair and claiming this movie to be garbage. First of all, screw Rotten Tomatoes, you can't rely on them for anything. Don't listen to them, make your own opinions, heck, don't even listen to mine! Yeah, I am making a review, but this is all just my opinions on the film from what I saw, okay, that's it.

And another issue that stood in my way was, well... I know how the world kind of views Bronies and well... trying to find a screening to go to without being laughed at just because I'm a guy who loves MLP. But thankfully, I found someone to go watch the movie with, a father and daughter actually, and fun fact, apparently the dad's cousin is one of the artists or animators in the MLP show department, but we didn't see his name in the credits. And its nice to meet some more people who actually like MLP that I can talk to about it. And so, our tickets were bought, we went to see it and what did I think?

I honestly loved it, I thought it was great. Does it have problems? Well, yeah, not every movie is perfect. Its not Godfather you know. But lets break it down, piece by piece.

Right off the bat, the animation is freaking gorgeous! This is the best animation I've seen in years, this is right up with the Lego Movie! Here, they have 2d styled animations with all of the characters and their movements, all the while some of the objects around them and the backdrops are in 3 dimensions. Or is it 2 dimensions, I could be wrong. But anyways, the animation, is excellent. The movements are graceful, and it allows more facial expressions on everyone's faces which is awesome!

The humor, the humor is actually pretty funny. There a few groaners here and there, but for the most part the humor is actually really funny and it made me laugh.

Arguably, one of the best things I liked about this movie, was Tempest Shadow. My god, Tempest Shadow is the coolest character in this movie. She was interesting, tough, badass looking, and *puts helmet upon head and pulls up a barrier* She's got a better backstory than Starlight Glimmer!

*ducks for cover as thousands of machine guns fire upon FourShadow. Once the guns stop, FourShadow raises his own head up, but still keeps the helmet on*

*clears throat* Anyways, I really loved Tempest. She was a pretty great villain and I liked what they did with her. She's a pretty tough character, and I hope to god we see her again. I hear tell of Chrysalis making a comeback for Season 8, and my god, if they have Tempest Shadow go up against Chrysalis, that'll be freaking awesome! I want to see that happen in Season 8! Someone, make this happen!

Another strong suit I must say, the songs. The songs are actually really enjoyable as well, they're tons of fun to listen to. One of the best ones I think has to be Tempest's song, which is done absolutely wonderful. The tone, the lightning, the music, it just all blends together wonderfully! And the rest of the songs are amazing too, they're pretty nice.

I have to say, the new characters are pretty enjoyable as well. We've got Capper, the Pirates, the sea-ponies, to Tempest Shadow, they're a lot of fun when they come on, and they're really great.

But now its time to Cons.

Admittdely, the story is not that well put together at some parts. There are moments that feel a bit rushed in some places as the Mane 6 go about their journey. I don't exactly remember which parts, but there were a few moments that did feel rushed.

But I think the biggest thing that stood out to me, that's not much of a problem, but I can see it being a bit of a problem for others. The intense moments. There are a lot of intense moments in this movie, and it gets dark really fast when the villains show up. Now, I'm glad they took risks when they did some of this stuff, but uh... the little one next to me wasn't really liking some of it which I can understand why. This is almost Transformers The Movie on us. So I can understand some of the dark stuff didn't sit well with her, and maybe even some of the other kids who saw this movie.

And another issue I must bring up. Twilight isn't necessarily her best in this movie. I don't mean like you hate her guts, I just mean she makes a little bit of selfish decisions that can kind of aggravate you a bit, but her reason for doing so makes sense so you can't get entirely mad about it. Heck even I didn't get that mad, even though some of that stuff was... yeah, it was a bit stupid at times.

Honestly that's all I got. Is it the best movie of the year? No. No its not. It does have its flaws, but you know what, its still an enjoyable movie, I had fun with it, and a lot of people had fun with this movie too. But you know what, I'm glad they made this movie. It shows that MLP still has some quality if they just tried, and you know what, you can tell they put their hardest to make this a great movie. They put their all into this, and even though some parts of it don't look good, you can still see the effort they put into this.

My personal suggestion: See the movie for yourself before making any critisicisms. And this is one of those movies that's worth your time. And to a certain DKM... no one stole your ideas, no one ever wants to, you keep your ideas to yourself. Quit claiming this show is stealing your work.

And to Rotten Tomatoes, just... just go.

I give this movie, a 7 out of 10. Its got its flaws, but its a ton of fun.

Thank you all, and have a great day! :twilightsmile:

Report FourShadow · 308 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Yeah, I've been listening to the soundtrack and I gotta say its quite good. :twilightsmile:

*spoilers obviously*
I just saw the movie. I don't think I can form a really well defined opinion without multiple viewings, but I'll still say a few things. I thought the movie was good. Not great, but good. I liked a lot of it, although I had some problems. My first problem is the new characters. What's wrong with them? They don't have enough screen-time. I didn't think they were bad, they just didn't have enough screen-time to really shine, I think we saw maybe twenty minutes of them the whole movie. I especially wanted to see more of Capper, I liked his design and he had a cool backstory in the comics, I really wish we could've seen more of him and maybe even have his storyline sort of resolved. The characters weren't bad, I just wanted more of them, and what I got was kinda disappointing.
My next and biggest issue with the film is the climax felt pretty weak. The Storm King didn't really do much other than joke around so we didn't see how much of a threat he could've been. The action wasn't all that exciting and overall it felt kind of dull compared to the rest of the movie. Not awful, but a disappointing and weak final act.

Pretty much everything else about the film I liked. I enjoyed the soundtrack, though it was fun. The animation is good. The world building if probably my favorite thing in the movie, like apparently slavery is a thing in that world, not in Equestria itself but outside of it, all the new locations were interesting overall. There were some scenes that I had mixed feelings about, like the one where Twilight uses her friends, I think she should've known better, and that she should have at least waited to see if her friends could do it. But at the same time I can't really blame her for what she did, it was a desperate situation, and I can't say I wouldn't have at least considered doing that under similar circumstances. I think I still would've tried the right thing first, but Twilight was desperate and I get where she was coming from. That's all I've got to say

Very very minor nitpick here, but I think some people might be a tiny bit disappointing that we didn't see actual sea ponies in the movie. We saw what they would look like, but they weren't actual sea ponies, or if they were the film didn't specify.

I also being a transformers fan really enjoyed the transformers references in the movie. The first one was obvious with the loudspeaker thing having the transforming sound effect. But I felt like there was another reference that was more subtle, although I could just be thinking to deeply into this. The scene where Tempest crushes Twilight's tiara/crown reminded me of the scene in transformers the movie where Galvatron crushes Starscream's crown. I might be looking to deep into this and this might be totally coincidental, but I noticed that the crowns had similar colors, they both fell off their wearers, and were both crushed by the villain's foot/hoof while the camera focused on it. If it's a coincidence it's still a pretty big one, and is still cool regardless.

IGN? Screw you, okay, just... just screw you. That's not being fair.

—The Entire Sonic The Hedgehog Fandom

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