• Member Since 7th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2021


[insert unfunny joke here]

More Blog Posts4

  • 366 weeks
    What's going on

    I've decided to re-write and edit older chapters before continuing the story.

    0 comments · 319 views
  • 391 weeks
    Writing is starting up again.

    After spending most of winter break without writing and then with it halting again because my dog died, I can proudly say that I've started writing the next chapter.

    0 comments · 338 views
  • 404 weeks
    I'm back

    My PC is back, which means that I can now resume writing.

    0 comments · 346 views
  • 412 weeks
    Janet Bio

    So I decided to do a little bio for Janet. Just to flesh her out a bit and give people a rough idea of why she acts the way she does and how she looks. Read the features part if you want to know about how she looks, if you want to keep your own mental image then that's fine, this is just how I see her and write her. Skip to the BIO to see what was her life up until she arrived in Equestria.

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    0 comments · 465 views

What's going on · 6:26am Jul 15th, 2017

I've decided to re-write and edit older chapters before continuing the story.

Report Wham · 319 views · Story: The Human's Harem · #re-write #edit #update
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