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"... okay, I have another plan!"

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  • 4 weeks
    Fallout Review

    It's been a while since I've done some reviews, so I figure I'm gonna review something that I've been getting into a lot as of late; Fallout! I have finally become integrated into the fandom, and I am happy for it, I've been in love with this series more and more as I get involved with it. I've gotten Fallout 4 in honor of the show (which I intend to review at some point after I finish it) and I

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  • 9 weeks
    Check In

    Afternoon/evening folks!

    Sorry I haven't been checking in as often as I should; rest assured I'm not dead, I'm still here, just been silent as of late. Still working on fics, but also constantly debating with myself on what to focus on next, wanted to make some new stuff that isn't just Shattered or Star Wars. Wanna bring more folks in, do somethin' new.

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  • 24 weeks
    Top Ten Films/Series Of 2023/Reflections

    First off, Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

    Hard to believe another year has passed, hasn't it? *sighs* how time has flown by. A lot's happened this year; more stories, more creativity and entertainment has come, and I've learned more about myself, and I am very glad for that.

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  • 24 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

    Hey everyone!

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  • 27 weeks
    The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Review

    This special is just hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

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My Apologies For Not Acknowledging Pride Month · 3:51pm Jul 2nd, 2017

I am so sorry, I completely forgotten about pride month! :raritydespair:

Okay, so this will be a very late happy Pride Month to everyone who is a part of the LGBT community, and to everyone in my audience who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender. My heart goes out to all of you and to everyone within the community.

And if you guys don't mind, I don't want to get political here, but I do wish to say my thoughts on them as a whole.

To me, they're normal people like all of us on earth. There's nothing strange, there's nothing... disgusting, they're just regular people. So WHY THE HELL ARE WE STILL DISCRIMINATING AGAINST THEM!? ... I completely overreacted, I'm terribly sorry. And again, don't want to discuss politics here. I'm not here to discuss any politics, and I don't want to wish to discuss politics. Not my forte, not my area, and I can't really talk about it either. Just saying. But lets get back to the point.

I'm not against them, just saying this to you all now. I'm not against anyone who's a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. If there's anyone in my audience who's any one of those, you have my 110% support and appreciation. You're all alright in my book. :twilightsmile:

Heck, I've even gave likes to fanfics with gay relationships and I've made a fanfic on this site with a lesbian relationship. Sweet Sweet Smallfoot is a perfect example, the couple in that fic which I wrote, is primarily about a lesbian relationship. Heck if you want to read something stupid, silly, and at some parts kind of sweet, I suggest you read that. Its not great mind you, but its worth a read just to see the silly and sheer absurdness of the situations that occur within it.

My heart goes out to everyone in that community, and so I want to say, I'm glad that these people are existing in our society, and I hope that your future continues to strive with glory. If that made any sense. :twilightsheepish:


Report FourShadow · 271 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I will try to be brief.
I do not support this community. I don't exactly discriminate them either. I think it comes down to people's view on morals. There are legitimate reasons to see lesbian,gay,transgender, and bisexuals as living a morally wrong lifestyle. I won't go into all of the details why but you're free to look them up. I'm sure there is discrimination against them that is quite unfair, but I'm equally sure that a lot of the more reasonable reasons for disliking the lifestyle get drowned out or associated with the hate. I think it's quite unfair on both sides.

My personal reasons for not supporting this community are as follows.1. I fear that if we as a species continue down this path will devolve into chaos and anarchy. What I mean by this is that if we start blurring the lines between the most basic principals such as the differences between what is a man and a woman then what could possibly remain sacred anymore? And where does this logic stop?

2. Consequences. This isn't something I really research or look into, but I know that there are higher risk potentials to same sex relationships contracting HIV and other things. To me this is an early warning system set in place to warn us not to go there.

3. Religious reasons.

4. (This does not apply to everyone) There are many people in the LGBT community who consider themselves progressive and forward thinkers. I find this attitude to be very arrogant and insulting, many times I've seen a person with a legitimate complaint get shot down by someone saying something as stupid as "get with the times this isn't the dark ages". Are you seriously telling me that there isn't even the slightest possibility that you might have it wrong and that anyone who disagrees even slightly with you must be an evil psychopath who is living in the past? Shut up. Your attitude is not progressive or forwards, you're probably one of the most backwards minded people I've had the unpleasantness of meeting.

5. Shoving it down my throat. Nobody likes having things shoved down their throat for any reason. (Again doesn't apply to everyone)

6.Shaming the people who don't support this.
Convert or Die! (Again doesn't apply to everyone)

7. Why would you want this, and why would you willingly endanger the one you claim to love. I kinda understand these but at the same time I can't help but ask. It just doesn't make sense how two people can know about the HIV risk and still go through with it while saying they love the other. To me it seems like having your lover drink a small non-lethal amount of poison, even if it doesn't hurt or kill them why would you do that?

8. It's moving along too fast. Even if you truly think that this is the right thing to do you're still pushing too hard too fast. If you don't expect hate for reckless action keep dreaming. (note I don't approve of the blind hate it's just a sad product of the world we live in).

There's more but I think this is more than enough.
I'm sorry if some of my reasoning doesn't make sense to you I tried to be brief.

Sigh okay. I seriously hope that I haven't offended anyone here. I really hate talking about controversial subjects, because it is so easy to hurt someone else even when you're not meaning too. This comment is meant to be a response to why some people might not support this community, and my own reasons. Nothing more nothing less. I will say that I do understand why some people support this stuff. People see it as a more accepting revolution, a good change for humanity. People want to love whoever they want without discrimination, and much more. I really do understand.

But I also feel there's a lot people are overlooking or just avoiding talking about altogether. Also I can't really support these lifestyles myself. I won't go out and hate on anybody who does but if they try to convince me that this is something I should accept into my life, I will politely ask them to leave me alone and walk away. I hope nobody is offended by this esp. you FourShadow, but I hope people can also understand where I'm coming from and we can all go on as if nothing's changed. I always try to stick to what I think is right and this is the path I think is morally right, maybe I shouldn't post this comment since what's the point in my opinion if I don't expect it to mean something? But then again why should I be afraid to speak up about this, I'm not doing anything wrong, and I'm not trying to hurt anybody just discussing from the opposite point of view. Again I'm sincerely sorry if I've hurt anyone's feelings. Please don't be mad at me.

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