The Pocket Monsters Among Men Multiverse: General Constructs and The Big Bad of Phase 1 · 9:08pm Jan 20th, 2017
Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Thought I'd drop in and share some insight about my Yveltal project and the multiverse it's set in, which I have dubbed "The Pocket Monsters Among Men Multiverse." Anyways, here's the general layout of Phase 1 of the series, which of course I'll be making a group for. The first phase will contain oneof a particular group of Legendary Pokemon in human-esque form. Here's the gist of things. Oh, and most of the stories will be rated M for mature, since I'm fairly certain those won't attract the attention of my haters... I hope.
Story 1: Yveltal (Why We Die)
Story 2: Dialga (Time Keeps On Slipping. It's a working title, and it's set in a universe I like to call "Neo Equestria." Think Neo Gotham from Batman Beyond or New York City, Year 2099. Point is, the technology of this universe is the complete opposite of the actual MLP series.)
Story 3: Darkrai (The Shape In The Shadows. Set in the Nightmare Moon universe):
Story 4: Zapdos ( Title Unknown at this time Set in a bizarro version of normal Equestria):
That's all I got so far. Now then, I'm sure you're wondering "But, Mr.J, if all these guys are in different universes, how can they possibly unite against a common threat?" Well, to that I say, "Simple: THIS is the common threat,"
Now, I'm sure most of you are wondering what the hell this thing is. Well, this boys and girls is called an Ultra Beast, a creature that in my book, using the term "Pokemon" to describe it is a tad generous. This one in particular is called a nihilego. They live in an alternate dimension called Ultra Space, which can only be accessed via the Ultra Wormhole. Pokemon Sun and Moon go into greater detail, but all you guys need to know is the following:
They're parasites who seem to be able to possess other beings. And apparently they can kick some serious ass, so much so that they nearly KILL the Alola Guardian Pokemon and the Kahunas. Yes, they finally used the world "kill" in a Pokemon game. So, in other words, the big issue of Phase 1 of The Pocket Monsters Among Men Multiverse, aside from the issues already plauging that universe, will be an army of extremely powerful zombie ponies/people that, even to these God-like inviduals, pose a major threat.
Yes, Pinkie, zombie ponies.
Well, that's all for today, kiddies! Remember: dying is easy, comedy is hard!