Almost There · 4:41pm Nov 18th, 2016
Here comes the clue for the next story. And yes, I said "clue" and not "clues", let me tell you why.
Normally, when I do this type of clue revealing I don't reveal the main character since I want that element to be the big surprise. This time is the contrary. I want you to know who the main character is going to be and, because of that, almost all of you won't know what the story is going to be (you can still try if you want) and this was decided by two factors.
First, I chose her since she is, perhaps, my favorite character in the entire show and, being my favorite character in the show, I needed to have a story with her. And second, this story is going to be my most personal one, even more than all the previous ones. When it comes out, I will go into more detail about this.
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