• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 20th, 2023


This is a bio. Fear me. Also, ponies. That is all.

More Blog Posts153

  • 413 weeks
    It's been a while.

    It's been a pretty long time since I've done anything with this account. A lot of what I wrote back in the day was top tier cringe, and as I grew, I came to realize that. The name for this account is a bit shit, too, tbh. But my deepest regret was letting this account rot, and telling no one that I was going to leave. I guess as time went on, I grew in terms of maturity, and looking back at this,

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    2 comments · 656 views
  • 540 weeks
    I made a one-shot involving Fluttershy and Seabreeze!

    . It's 5,000 words, so it's a pretty long read, but I do believe that it's the first kind of pairing that's ever been done! I'm the father of a pairing! Hopefully... :/

    Anywho, when it's out I hope you like it!

    Story Name: It's Sometimes Easy Being Breezies

    Cover Art:

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    1 comments · 817 views
  • 541 weeks
    Infinity Ward admits that COD players aren't real gamers. (I'm laughing my ass off. Lel.)


    I'm not attacking COD players, but Infinity Ward sure is. I, myself, stopped being a fan of COD after Call of Duty 3 (The original, not MW3), but I never got into any internet fights, because, let's be honest, it's plain childish.

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    18 comments · 626 views
  • 544 weeks
    Mares' Night Out is going to have an extra chapter either today or tomorrow.

    After unexpectedly getting a lot of free time on my hands, I decided to spend it writing. I also decided that I'm going to write a bonus chapter for 'Mares' Night Out' along with hopefully finishing 'Generic High School Bus Driver Pops Up In Equestria', a comedy one-shot that I had planned out. If I finish both of them within my schedule, still having some free time, I will start writing some

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  • 544 weeks
    Update blog.

    Well, I haven't exactly been on, but I have myself a good reason why. Family troubles. I'll leave it at that. Anywho, that's not why I'm making this blog. The story "Fruit of The Bloom", I've decided, is going to be a one-shot. After some heavy thinking, alcohol consumption, brain farts, forgetfulness, all of the above, etc... I've decided. I've finally decided. I may change my mind

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    1 comments · 680 views

It's been a while. · 8:28pm Aug 25th, 2016

It's been a pretty long time since I've done anything with this account. A lot of what I wrote back in the day was top tier cringe, and as I grew, I came to realize that. The name for this account is a bit shit, too, tbh. But my deepest regret was letting this account rot, and telling no one that I was going to leave. I guess as time went on, I grew in terms of maturity, and looking back at this, I guess I should say my peace and be done with it. My stories are pretty much dead. You know it, I know it, pretty much everyone who knows me knows it.

Not that anyone really cares at this point. It's been too long for that. But I guess if I really am going to be done with writing on this account, I should at least let the stories have their chance of survival. If anyone wants, they can PM me and take the stories off my hands to continue them. Whichever one you want. If no one wants to, then alright, I don't mind. This was all from a time when I was just starting out with writing, and so a lot of what I had to write was pretty shit, so anyone taking these off my hands is a slim to none chance.

This blog is just to tell people that I'm sorry for leaving like I did. It was a shitty move, but I guess we all make mistakes. I just wanted to lay this account to rest once and for all. The right way. You might see me popping in every once in a while, but that's not to write. I just like checking in on things. But anyway, see ya.

Report Icudeadnow · 656 views ·
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