• Member Since 26th Dec, 2013
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More Blog Posts55

  • 117 weeks
    So I won't be as active anymore.

    I have some IRL troubles to deal with, I will pop in every once and a while, but if you need to contact me, I can't guarantee that I'll get back to you in a timely manner. I am sorry.

    Long story short; I could potentially lose my home.

    1 comments · 157 views
  • 144 weeks
    So the more I think about it...

    The more I realize I technically met my SO via Fimfic.

    0 comments · 152 views
  • 171 weeks
    Dunno why I'm saying this.

    _____So, my birthday was not too long ago. I had a rather relaxing day.
    _____Then my mother messaged me, telling me how much she loved me.
    _____That put me in a real sour and murderous mood. Right ruined my day.

    2 comments · 206 views
  • 232 weeks
    Six years.

    _____Six goddamn years I've been on this site. Well, kind of, I'm posting this early, but only because every other year I forgot to post it on my join date, then told myself I'd do it the next year every year. But, since G... 5, is it? G5 G4 is over, I suppose it's finally time to make this blog post. So. Wow, six years. I'll admit, I'd been aware of the thing

    Read More

    4 comments · 279 views
  • 261 weeks
    And We're Back

    _____For another exciting episode of... blog posts, I guess.
    _____Oh and the move went about as successfully as one could hope for, so I guess there's that, but that's like the least important thing here.

    0 comments · 235 views

Q&A: Answers. · 7:10pm Aug 3rd, 2016

So in response to any questions asked in this blog, I created this blog. Sorry it's taken me a while. I got distracted by Dawn of War. I'll get back to writing and whatnot and everything else later. Anyway, let's get to the questions! This should be good.

Now if only someone could make a gif with Rarity doing that.... Would be better than Starlight Glimmer.
From, Lost_Marbles. In fact, the next three questions are all from him.

What country do you live in?

The United States.

Where do babies come from?

WARNING YOUNG PEOPLE: (I guess. Still, you were warned.) To answer this question, it depends on how you want to look at it. I could start at the 'beginning' or just use some other kind of answer. I'll start further back. See, the male has a thing called a penis, which he inserts into the vagina of a female human, though modern technology allows a woman to be impregnated via sperm donors but that's beside the point, and releases sperm, potentially fertilizing the egg she carries, thus starting the process to create a bundle of screaming, pooping, and sleeping, (though the latter is the hopeful outcome for all) for the first few years of its life. Then the female gives birth by pushing the baby (though twins and triplets and even MORE are possible) out through the vagina and in an equally messy and loud process, depending on the female the latter can be really loud or just moderately loud, the baby is brought into the world and that's where they come from.
Now, I'm not sure if you were joking, Marbles, and I have a vague suspicion that you probably were, I wanted to answer it this way anyway. Because when my children (when I have them) ask me that same question, I will answer them in the most scientific way possible and not try to give them bullshit. Kids are smarter than you give them credit for. Trying to give them false information or telling them they're not old enough for certain things just confuses them.
Either way, I bet you weren't expecting that kind of answer were ya? Ha!

What's so special about the number 69?

*Sound of juveniles laughing in background.*
It amuses me greatly. For obvious reasons.

Next question is from TP Night.

Just ecause you said so, I'm going to ask - What's your favourite color? (NOT counting black or white, since technically, those are not colors)

Green. Emerald green. Specifically this kind of emerald green.
Note: At the time that this was posted, the picture was a different emerald green and it's changed for some reason and I can't be arsed to fixed it.

It happens to be the scale color of the main character (who is a dragon) of the series that I'm writing called War of a Thousand Sins. But that's a story for another time. Literally and figuratively.

Now, some of you might be wondering why I picked the number sixty nine to be where I have a Q&A session. Well, because it amused me and something I was planning for some time. When I reach one hundred followers I'll be sure to have another one then, so depending on questions in the future, I may or may not have an answer for you, though I wouldn't mind it if you specified that you would ask the question again so that people can know about it in a future Q&A session. I'll probably do a session every major landmark or one hundred followers. Who knows.
That's the end. The next part is kind of unimportant unless you want to read more rambling.

Now I know I said this in my last blog.

...I may not get to the questions until tomorrow

But uh... that obviously hasn't happened. I'll admit, I was distracted by Dawn of War: Soulstorm. I love the Tyranid mod (though it doesn't seem to like to work on my other computer and I haven't tested it on my new one because the Tyranid models like to disappear randomly and then reappear if I move somewhere else on the screen, so I liked the older version of the mod which didn't do this to me and the Tyranids had builders and shit so it was easier to expand depending on the game mode because Tyranids will get their ass beat if you use legendary start with resources) because of the fortress, (which doubles the health and damage of all listening posts and turrets [and I discovered a hilarious glitch with it] oh and it applies to minefields too but that doesn't really matter because they go away after a certain number of them explode anyway) heroes, (which makes a unit more powerful) and massive battles options which makes the population infantry and vehicles increase by fifty percent. The heroes aren't so important for the Eldar but the other two are because they make them so fucking OP. Get an Avatar of Khaine on the field and instead of having 30 army cap and 30 vehicle cap (with the massive battles option turned off) he makes the limits for your army BIGGER and now the Eldar have 36 infantry (the Avatar uses five infantry cap, so in essence he gives you 1 extra. In vanilla he only takes up 1 since the cap is increased by 4 with that option turned off because then you get 24 infantry cap) and 45 to vehicle cap. He already gave you an extra ten vehicle cap without the mod, which was amazing but now it increases your forces by 50% AGAIN. Eldar are so broken it's hilarious. There's also a hilarious glitch (kind of) I found in Dark Crusade (the previous expansion) where you can have two Avatars but it only works for a single mission in the campaign and your first Avatar is going to be so low on health it's almost worthless but it's hilarious to have two relic units. It's been a while but I think having two Avatars basically buffs your army twice. In fact, the glitch works for any unit with a hardcap, which is a limit to how many of the same unit you can have. Meaning most units with hardcaps, mostly elite infantry, relic units and heavy vehicles or other special units, have a hardcap of two or one. Rarely more than that.
Oh, and their buildings (through research) are stealthed and can be teleported through use of Webway gates, which also heal through research, and you can move your infantry quickly pretty much anywhere on the map, without fear of it being destroyed unless a detection unit is around and your units will heal faster regardless if they're garrisoned in the gate or standing next to it. Only downside (actually two now that I think about it but only one is important) to being inside the gate is that, if all gates are destroyed, you'll have to build another one if any units were still inside since they'll still take up army cap and can't be deployed. I think. Never tried that out and that's my theory and it makes sense. The other downside is that abilities don't recharge if a unit is inside. So if you're relying on warp spiders (teleporting heavy infantry) to hit the enemy fast and hard and forget to keep them outside for their teleports to recharge then you're kind of screwed because they can't teleport now. But that's not what makes the webway gate so good with the fortress option, which I've realized that I went on about too much when I only meant to make that, at most, two or three sentences.
No, it makes the Eldar turrets invisible. So if you're making a beeline for their invisible base, you'll be getting shot at by invisible turrets which will be killing you and your vehicles while being harassed by random Eldar troops dropping in on you then retreating back into the Webway, unless you have a detection unit, taking minimal losses in return. And if you have a detection unit, warp spiders will probably teleport right next to it (though probably more efficient to use dark reapers) and kill it quickly, thus setting you back to square one.
I could go on about how much I love the Eldar in that game but I won't. Guess I had way more to rant — well, not really a rant more like talk — about than I thought.

Report Malozi · 388 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

Ohhhh so that's where behbehs come from. My mom said I was bought from a Target Blue-light Sale and she got a great discount because of a few missing pieces.

Your mother fucking lied to you.

Wouldn't be the first time.

She once told me I was her favorite.

Audible gasp. That fiend! :raritycry:

I don't have a very high opinion of my own mother, either.

Best response to "Where do babies come from?" I have ever seen/read.

I wish I had a story to tell, but I never asked my parents that question. I think they just told me when I was in third--fourth grade or so.

I know, right?

I mean, at age 7 I already knew where babies came from. Just not how they were made. That came later.



I knew since I was 7 that the mother get's pregnant and the baby grows in the uterus. That's what they told me then. And then I found out about the sex part as I grew up. They officially told me a lot of it when I was in fourth grade. And then I learned almost everything else when we had sex ed in health classes.

See? We kids aren't stupid. Don't treat us like it.


It really annoys me when people feel they need to sugar-coat something for kids. Remember in kindergarten how they would sugar-coat the history of Thanksgiving? They taught us it one day and then I went home and told my parents. They told me in a more straight-out way, and I was very angry at my kindergarten teachers after that...

Exactly. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything for my kids.
Edit: Which will likely result in hilarious situations.

Just imagine a kid who has been told sugar-coated things their whole life, and then when sex ed came, they are like, "My parents lied to me!"

Oh god yes I can. Both in fiction and real life. The common response is intense disbelief.

There was this one kid in my health class who reacted with disbelief...I felt so bad for them. XD.

I'd feel a little bad for them too.

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