• Member Since 29th Sep, 2011
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  • 259 weeks
    Luna can't sleep

    Back from the final Bronycon, more on that later. In the meantime, enjoy some horsewords. Bonus points for reading aloud.

    - - -

    Beneath a blackened sky, the pale milky moon cast a pallid glow across lands steeped in shadow.  A sea of muted grey from mountains thrust high, to plains fertile and fallow.

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    7 comments · 416 views
  • 419 weeks
    The struggles of half-assed fic research

    So here I was, minding my own business. I can't get two lines into a new story without having to stop and try to figure out a cooler sounding name than "Castle of the Two Pony Sisters"


    2 comments · 572 views
  • 419 weeks
    The final supper of the ficwhores

    The hot humid musk of Baltimore suffocates you like God's enormous unwashed ballsack the moment you step out the door. A sea of brick beckons the journey of a thousand steps between the gleaming glass zoo of migratory humans and the organic hive of stone and streets known as Charm City. You put your best foot forward, feeling it stick slightly against the pervasive brownish ichor of

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    1 comments · 587 views
  • 419 weeks
    Horsecon 2016

    Bronycon after-action report.

    (Confound these ponies, they drive me to drink)

    Had an absolutely tremendous time. Got to hang out with a few interesting people, such as..

    Admiral Biscuit (Hail Biscuit!)
    Axis of Rotation

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    14 comments · 701 views
  • 584 weeks
    A tale of two pegasi.

    (Wrote a few thousand words today. Here's some of them. CH16 inbound)

    * * *

    It was a slow day in Ponyville.

    It couldn't be fast enough for Scootaloo.

    The wind whipped through her fuchsia mane as the grass receded behind each sharp stamp of her hooves.  Her short wings buzzed as they bit into the air, pushing herself with every erg of energy she could muster.  

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The struggles of half-assed fic research · 5:47am Jul 14th, 2016

So here I was, minding my own business. I can't get two lines into a new story without having to stop and try to figure out a cooler sounding name than "Castle of the Two Pony Sisters"


Report shalrath · 572 views · #CAMP ASS
Comments ( 2 )

You did it wrong.

Try "Castrum de duabus sororibus" instead. I used google translate as well and got this.


Thanks for the advice. I think i found something that works pretty well too.


Deep within the Everfree Forest dwelled the sprawling stone fortress Castrum de Duae Sorores, the seat of the Equestrian diarchy.

A pegasus approached, a dusky cerulean besmirchment upon the twilight sky. Her wings folded, and she swooped down and forward, hard and fast, sailing past the panicked guards holding watch in front of the keep. Her trajectory was flat, and her guidance was ballistic.

Two tall doors hewn from rough oak and banded by blackened steel barred entry to the castle, their indomitable presence a silent decree that none should pass nor prevail against their brutish bulk.

Athon simply smashed into them head-first, sending their ponderous mass groaning open upon oiled hinges. She shook her head briefly, as such a crushing blow would certainly leave her with a mild headache the next morning.

Much to the dismay of the night watch, Athon marched into the castle. She drew a deep breath, and bellowed thusly.


“I SAW!”


She looked around, savoring the atavistic expressions of surprise and terror of those trapped within the great hall.

“AND THEN I CAME AGAIN!” she shouted, devolving swiftly through giggling, snorting, and all-out braying laughter.

To the untrained eye, it would appear that Athon had been drinking.

Those more familiar with Athon simply accepted this was the natural state of affairs.


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