• Member Since 15th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2019


I am a caring guy who loves to read.

More Blog Posts3

  • 355 weeks
    Story Rights

    People have the right to write what they want without people telling them what they can't write.

    4 comments · 442 views
  • 361 weeks
    News Flash

    Hey everyone, I want you all to know that there is a story called Fullmetal Pony which is so far a pretty good fic. So if your interested in it, check it out and if you enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up and follow the author.

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    2 comments · 289 views
  • 420 weeks
    My Little Pony

    I have watched my little pony from g1 to g4. It has help me through my youth and most of my adult life and I continue to watch it.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

    1 comments · 443 views

My Little Pony · 7:00am Jul 2nd, 2016

I have watched my little pony from g1 to g4. It has help me through my youth and most of my adult life and I continue to watch it.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Report PrinceRobert85 · 443 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Hi there! *hugs* Thank you for the follow and adding my story "Tree and Relative Dimension in Space: T.A.R.D.I.S." to your favorites! Expect stories in science fiction, horror, drama, romance and adventure to name a few. :)

My most recent stories I'm working on include horror and science fiction:

The Wishmaker: Megan's Descent
Megan Williams has been living for 20 years without any sign of Equestria from her childhood, until several children go missing. Meanwhile, she finds a terrifying secret in the basement of her barn...a barn which never had a basement before...

Equus Metamorphosis
2072 TX: A young human with a degenerative bone condition must prepare for a life-saving technological transformation into Rainbow Dash. His robotic partner Pinkie Pie, several other robot ponies and exosuited-humans guide him toward his new life...

Thank you again! *hugs*

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