I'm back. · 10:23pm Jun 4th, 2016
Made it back from the beach in one piece yesterday. So far I've spent all day catching up on all things pony, and of course, watching the new episode. Pretty good in my humble opinion. One thing I did want to post before I forgot. There were three businesses I passed on the way home that caught my eye. Two of them I got a decent shot of on my phone, the third I found a good pic of online. All these were within 10 miles of each other.
Now sure, they spelled Pinkie wrong. But they used the same color scheme as Applejack for Apple Auto Sales. And Carousel Boutique? Need I say more?
I work at a grocery store where they get their apples from a company called "MLP". Every time I walk by those boxes, I giggle to myself. And everyone then wonders what's wrong with that guy.
3998870 We make air filters where I work. One of the companies we deliver to is Stephen King & Associates, in Maine. I keep wanting to slip a manuscript inside one of the boxes.
3998870 So I saw yesterday that Equestria Daily posted my pic.