• Member Since 6th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Jul 10th, 2022

Spherical Narcissist

I regret nothing.

More Blog Posts211

  • 389 weeks
    Hooray for relapse!

    Just when I thought things were looking up, shit happened and I slit my wrist. Woohoo.

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  • 399 weeks
    In a self loathing cycle

    I've got the most gut wrenching cramps and have been rehearsing for a play nonstop. I have a performance in ten minutes as we speak. Currently, I'm stressing about my online class, WWIII, basically making it out of his year alive and free. It's been almost seven months since I've last driven. I'm extremely lonely and only see my friends once a month. I'm in love with someone I can never see and I

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  • 403 weeks
    Got turned down by three people

    All I wanted was a prom date. My life is already falling apart so can I at least have that? The first guy I asked said he wasn't going to prom. The second was uncertain and he's flaked out on me at the last dance. The third guy I asked seemed open to going, but then we learned there's a youth group party the same day, so yeah. Fuck my life. Pardon me while I go slit my wrist.

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  • 403 weeks
    Hey, guys.

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  • 404 weeks

    Hey, guys! Today my friends and I hung out and did a bunch of cool shit. We played Cards Against Humanity for the first time over some cheap cookies and pineapple juice. My lil bro joined in on the fun. Then we basically went around town and took cool pics, like this one of yours truly. Hope y'all are having a good day. :pinkiesmile:

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College Essays Suck · 12:53am May 24th, 2016

Get them done near the end of your junior year. It sucks but it's worth it. Like I said before I suck at writing actual stories but I can write English essays pretty well. My English teacher, notorious for roasting people on their college essays, approved of mine on the second try. Maybe if I ever have a lot of time on my hands, I can contribute to the fandom by writing critical essays. :rainbowlaugh: Or I can roast help you guys with your English papers. My sister knew a guy that made Star Wars references in his and thought it was really good, my friend made Hetalia references in theirs, and my sister knew another guy that only wrote his papers in old English.

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