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The Document of Pony Gear Solid: Pegasus Wings · 2:06am Sep 2nd, 2012

The following is an excerpt from a comprehensive report, submitted to the United Nations and authored by Col. Roy Campbell, ret. U.S. Army, dated 1/10/2020, regarding the state of private military companies in the post-War Economy world.


Pegasus Wings
Active: 2001-2010
Current Status: Unknown (Presumed disbanded)

Last Reported Military Assets:

(Due to several factors, including shake-ups within the organization and the dated nature of certain statistics, information regarding Pegasus Wings' last reported military assets is considered unreliable and has been omitted)*

Founder, Commander and Corporate Executive Officer:
Cain, Alistair Horatio

"Pegasus Wings is a private army, founded in 2001 by loyalists from the nation of Zanzibar Land. Operating out of a customized warship which sails around the world in search of war, Pegasus Wings is committed to providing top-notch military and logistical support at a reasonable fee." - PR blurb, dated c. 2008

"Pegasus Wings: No Peace In Our Time" - Company slogan


Born in London in 1950, Alistair Cain spent much of his early life getting into trouble and being bought out of it by his wealthy parents. Their influence and connections within England's upper class afforded Cain the best opportunities and education available, but he, being a child of privilege, failed to appreciate these gifts. He attended Oxford for half a year, before being expelled at the age of nineteen after a string of altercations, confrontations, petty thefts, and parking violations. His family, disappointed in their son and fed up with his lack of productivity, cut him off and severed all ties. Following his expulsion, Cain decided to follow the path of his uncle, Ambrose Cain, who served in the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain. However, the RAF wouldn't take him, and he found himself enlisting in the British Army as regular infantry.

Cain quickly made a name for himself as a skilled and resourceful young soldier, and was deployed in Northern Ireland as part of Operation Banner. However, he found himself in stark disagreement with his superiors over their mission, and deserted the unit in 1971, fleeing the country. Cain spent the next year as a vagrant, wandering from one end of Eurasia to the other. He dropped off of the radar in the spring of 1972, only to resurface in 1973, in the Militaires Sans Frontiers, a self-described "army without a government" under the command of the American legend, Big Boss. He spent another year in this army's employ, taking part in operations throughout Central and South America, honing his skills as a soldier and learning to temper his fiery, passionate emotions. Cain distinguished himself among his MSF peers, and rapidly rose through the ranks to become a squad leader, but resigned his position after an undocumented incident in Costa Rica, in 1974.

Despite the circumstances of his departure, Cain was allowed to return to Great Britain in 1975 (Note: It is believed that Big Boss's influence and connections played a role in Cain's return. In addition, documents relating to Cain's reinstatement in the British Army reference a "Russian negotiator" who was instrumental in dropping all charges of desertion) and reenlist with the Army. He served faithfully and with distinction for twenty years, during which time he joined the Special Air Service and participated in a number of high-risk operations, among them the Iranian Embassy siege and a mission to sabotage chemical and biological weapons plants in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm.

In 1995, Cain took part in the NATO mission to pacify all resistance in the military nation of Outer Heaven. It was here that Cain, disgusted by NATO's indiscriminate treatment of the Outer Heaven population (NATO troops and bombers did not distinguish members of the armed Resistance from members of the Outer Heaven army), deserted a second time, instead joining the tattered remnants of the Resistance against NATO. However, he was saved from certain doom by a resurgent Big Boss, who offered the Resistance a place in his new mercenary nation of Zanzibar Land. Cain gratefully accepted, happy to once again serve with his former MSF commander, and acted as a high-ranking officer.

On 12/24/1999, acting as field commander for the Special Operations Unit FOXHOUND, I recruited retired soldier Solid Snake to infiltrate Zanzibar Land, sabotage its nuclear deterrent, and recover the formula for OILIX, as well as its creator, Dr. Kio Marv. As part of this mission, Snake discovered that Big Boss was secretly in command of Zanzibar Land's forces, and assassinated him. The events of 1995 repeated themselves; NATO initiated a mop-up campaign, and Cain was left to organize a hasty retreat. Gathering what soldiers and materials he could, Cain and his rag-tag group of survivors fled.

Cain found himself on the run, once again, and this time, there was no Big Boss to give him sanctuary or purpose. However, Cain had several advantages that he hadn't been afforded before: an army at his back, a heavy stockpile of military-grade munitions, and access to the remainder of Zanzibar Land's treasury. With no place left to go, and no country who would offer him safe harbor, Cain purchased a decommissioned oil tanker, heavily retrofitted it with weapons, cutting-edge electronic warfare and navigational systems, and christened it Zanzibar Breeze. A year later, in 2001, Cain officially launched the Pegasus Wings private army.

As a youth, Cain was fiery and impulsive, but his time in the MSF sobered him, allowing him to unlock his full potential as a soldier in the SAS. A series of events, beginning with his desertion in 1995 and culminating in the fall of Zanzibar Land, further extinguished his idealistic nature. Though Pegasus Wings became a successful venture, Cain himself was reported by his subordinates and confidants to have grown withdrawn, listless, and depressed. In addition, he reportedly suffered recurring nightmares regarding the fall of Zanzibar Land, nightmares which invariably focused on Solid Snake's role. These may have roots in a direct confrontation which Cain had with Snake. At one point during his mission, Snake was briefly discovered, and an intense firefight between he and a ZL squad, led by Cain, ensued. Snake killed every one of Cain's squadmates, and personally disarmed Cain, before retreating. Less than six hours later, Big Boss was dead and Zanzibar Land had fallen. It is believed that Cain developed strong survivor's guilt over those deaths, and took personal responsibility for the fall of Zanzibar Land; had he been able to stop Snake when he had the chance, the nation would never have fallen and Big Boss would still be alive. There is strong evidence that Cain developed moderate to severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of these events.

Regardless of his emotional state, Cain proved an effective and competent leader, and quickly gathered an army of mercenaries, displaced freedom fighters, and disillusioned former soldiers, with the Zanzibar Land faithful as a nucleus. Pegasus Wings' roster swelled to nearly four hundred, and Zanzibar Breeze was thoroughly retrofitted in order to accommodate its burgeoning crew.

Shortly after the Manhattan Incident, Pegasus Wings was deployed to Chechnya, acting as support for Russian troops. During this period, they were contacted by a man identifying himself only as "Trenton". A series of top-secret meetings between Cain and Trenton took place, culminating in the termination of the Russian contract and the redeployment of Pegasus Wings to a remote island in the Pacific. Over the next year, Pegasus Wings dropped almost entirely off the map, even as private military companies like The Six Samurai and Praying Mantis rose in prominence. With their income steadily dropping, their budget steadily falling, and pay rates steadily fading, Pegasus Wings suffered from a high desertion rate, particularly among the Zanzibar Land veterans who initially formed the army. Their roles were filled by a hasty recruitment campaign, which netted a sizable force of wash-outs, thugs, war criminals, and terrorists. Though this is purely speculation, having so unprofessional a membership would no doubt have done much to harm the army's effectiveness on the battlefield, to say nothing of their public image. The regular infantry would no doubt have been uncoordinated and disorganized due to the shake-up in Cain's officer corp, and morale would have suffered terribly from the loss of its elder members. It my opinion that, had Pegasus Wings not simply vanished, their reputation would have suffered once they returned to the international scene.

There has been no contact with the Pegasus Wings private army since 2010. Certain documents, declassified following the fall of the Patriots' reign, implicate Pegasus Wings in the theft of a decommissioned Soviet nuclear missile and the procurement of a black market Metal Gear REX unit. In addition, AT Corp. and the U.S. government has been connected with Pegasus Wings' final activities, though to what extent is uncertain. There are gaps in the records where certain files were expunged. A post-War Economy U.N. expedition to the island where they were last reported yielded the scuttled hulk of the Zanzibar Breeze, as well as traces of a Cold War-era military installation and some curious ruins which match no known civilization. No physical remains have been discovered or identified. Cain and his soldiers are presumed dead.

None of those who deserted ever came forward to volunteer any information regarding Pegasus Wings' final mission. Many were simply never seen again. It is believed that those who tried to come forward were silenced, and that those who did not kept their peace out of either fear or loyalty to their old unit.

An archaeological expedition to the island is currently underway.

*Colonel Campbell, I wish to have a discussion with you regarding the definition of the word "comprehensive".-Makoto Yamamoto, Secretary-General

Report Posh · 215 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Ooh, that was interesting, nice to see some background info on Cain.
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

Nice! Hope the next chapter's soon.

> MSF, Costa Rica, 1974
> Outer Heaven
> Zanzibar Land

So, Cain participated in Peace Walker, Metal Gear, and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, huh?


336903 Well, he was part of the post-Outer Heaven clean-up crew, so he wasn't technically a participant in Metal Gear.

But, yes, he does have some familiarity with the main events of the series.

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