• Member Since 19th Jun, 2013
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Vic Fontaine

Author & Editor; Chief Apprentice in Loyal's House of Fanfic; Lt. in the Army of Biscuit; Does Bad Things for Bad Horse; Runs a Nightclub on Holodeck 2.

More Blog Posts308

  • 7 weeks
    Bringing Mom Home

    Plans are set and preparations are made. Next week, Dad, myself, and my wife will be traveling back to our hometown (where much of my family is from anyway) to intern mom's urn. My dad's a veteran, so he was able to reserve a spot for him and mom in a state veteran's cemetery years ago.

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    5 comments · 63 views
  • 11 weeks
    On losing a parent


    I was planning on writing a 'state of the writer' post this weekend to update y'all on what I've been up to. But, well, I suppose the state of me right now is everything all at once.

    My mom passed away suddenly yesterday. She was 77.

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    20 comments · 142 views
  • 29 weeks
    Daring Do and the Red Shoe Diary

    For years, since nearly the start of the series' rise to international fame, the rumors have persisted: Was there an adult-oriented Daring Do story? Has our intrepid explorer gone down paths far more sordid and saucy than her audience could have imagined?

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    1 comments · 168 views
  • 30 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! However you celebrate the season, I hope it is a good one for you and yours.

    /and better than mine, as I'm typing this while stuck in a hotel room thousands of miles from home because of all times for me to finally get covid, it's now
    //am fully vaxxed though; so far mild symptoms, just annoying. Wife is still negative thankfully

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    1 comments · 109 views
  • 31 weeks
    New Red Shoes Chapter is Live!

    After far too long of a hiatus, Red Shoes is officially back with a new chapter!

    This time, we'll be hearing from the co-owner of Sugarcube Corner, who has a saucy but sympathetic tale to tell.

    I hope you enjoy, and let me know in the comments. Cheers, all!

    0 comments · 123 views

Everfree Northwest in 2 Days! · 5:04am May 11th, 2016

Hey, Sweetie Belle! How soon until EFNW starts?

Yep! In just two short days, yours truly and the Missus will be jetting off to the Emerald City for our fourth EFNW! The con staff has put together what looks to be another stellar lineup this year, from panels and VAs to music and vendors! I'll be spending most of my time exploring the con's plethora of writing panels... one of which I'll be sitting on as a panelist! :pinkiegasp:

Pony and Character Psychology - (Saturday, 10:00-11:30am)
I'll be joined by: Piquo, Heartshine, Bronywriter, and WebOfHope

Join several of our fandom authors for a look at our favorite characters through the lens of psychology. We'll explore character traits of the mane six, and how differences and quirks in behavior lead to the amazing pallet of pony personalities we all love so much.

Besides these fine folks, Xepher, Ruirik, TD, Pen Stroke, Winston, CloudHop, SilverFlare, and many other talented writers are going to be staffing what I really think is the strongest writing track yet from the EFNW Writing Team.

So, if you're going to be at EFNW, you can find me at the Pony Psychology panel, or at most any of the other writing events this weekend. But either way, please drop me a note on here, or track me down in the halls. I'd love to meet as many of you great people as possible!


Report Vic Fontaine · 394 views · #EFNW
Comments ( 7 )

You'll get to meet me, unfortunately for you.

3936921 Lol! Hey, I had a chance to meet you last year! You're good people. ;)

It is going to be fun. :twilightsmile:

Looking forward to seeing you there again. EFNW is always a great con, and I'm looking forward to the whole being on a panel thing myself (which is weird, because I'm shy and public speaking terrifies me, so I guess we'll see how I do).

Sigh, wish I was going :fluttershysad:
Have fun out there!

3938099 you and me both on the public speaking thing. :)

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