• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 2nd

Winter Rosario

Formerly Winter Solstice, Literally Sunset Shimmer, Discount Off-brand!

More Blog Posts120

  • 73 weeks
    Thorny Rose: Premise.

    So, been working on this one. The last couple of weeks were pretty great! Real life wise. I got a massive raise, promotion to Supervisor (just below Manager. Ugh, responsibilities), and I got to see the Mario Movie! Wooo fucking hooo! So, here's what I got:

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  • 76 weeks

    So, I've finished reading through my stories and...was I high? Was I on some kind of drug? All the drugs?! They are enjoyable if you don't take it seriously and treat them as crack-fics...and ignore the cringe...so much cringe.

    I've been working on several ideas:

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    5 comments · 296 views
  • 77 weeks
    Live! Ruby Rose. Live!

    Name: Ruby Rose.

    Race: Pegasus.

    Sex: Female.

    Cutie Mark: A Ruby-crystal Rose within two flaming-red wings arched downward in the shape of a heart.

    Special Talent: Fierce Love, Devotion, Hope, and Protection to those that have earned a place in her heart. In other words: Ruthless combat capabilities.

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    1 comments · 208 views
  • 77 weeks
    I'm here.

    Haaaaa...where to start?

    An apology sounds about right. However, certain details need to be made apparent before I do so: giving them will make things more understandable as to my absense and lack of updating anything.

    Life sucks - - > plain and simple.

    For those not in the know (most likely 99.9% of you...probably), I was homeless for a while.

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    12 comments · 479 views
  • 198 weeks
    I'm Kinda Alive?

    So, been a while since I decided to do anything. I've mostly been dealing with life. My old laptop, one that was donated to me finally kicked the bucket, followed by COVID-19 happening, and frankly? I hate typing on my cell. With COVID-19 I couldn't use the computers at the various libraries since no one is allowed in and only books can be taken out via their websites. Thus, all I could do is

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Rambling · 4:52pm Apr 3rd, 2016

World of The Winter Rose.
Map-Will be made.
General Countries: Equestria, Russia, Britannia, China, Japapony, Arcadia, Saddle Arabia, Yakyakystan, Zebrafrica, Germany, Prance, Gryphonyia, Mina, Badlands, Dragon Mountains, Sweden, and all other countries that I am too lazy to pony-pun them.

Reason how Arcadia was made so fast. Because singing a song can build a bar in two minutes when it should have took two weeks. Thus, singing when the town was being repaired turned it into a beacon because of said music, causing a chain reaction that built the city in a month. People get mad at me because I use The Shows Logic and call it Mary Sue Poppycock to that I say! Weapons were given by the big seven countries after Rose had an R&D team perfect diamond do botched gunpowder mix. Said new mix was better than the entire world's recipe. She sold said recipe in exchange for the weapons.

Lastly. Rose only has one person that can be relatable to, and that's me. Why? Because I took a daily dose of estrogen as an experiment in Psychology 10. I turned out exactly like Rose to the letter. Next. I am currently homeless and I did indeed got the offer to be a hit man for the Columbian Drug Cartel. No I didn't kill anybody or take the job. Even though I could have been paid 50000 per head. I didn't do it. And the mom thing...not true. She just tried to drug me with everything while growing up. That didn't happen cause I smart and I moved out and lived my sis until she kicked me out for being too quiet. I wish I was making that up. Anyway... back on topic.

She is the best parts of me with over the top bad traits to balance her out. Yes, I have been told by everyone that I am good at everything I touch if I apply myself. Yes, Godfather Murphy loves people with this trait. Yay me...

Homeless... Kinda sucks. I hate how I was kicked out of the house before Midterms of my last year of Hs. Now I have to repeat a grade because of that. I used to live in a small town, which had nothing to help me in my situation. So I packed up and moved to the furthest city that I could get to in a day and set up shop. Four hours of walking with fifty pounds of stuff on my back and two hours of driving in a semi. 400 k total distence.

The shelter I am in is okay. The food a bit greasy but I have warm showers, soap, and a laundry room that I can use. Living on assistance pays for the shelter, but work is impossible to find as just a few months ago, the oil refinery shut down, and everyone took all the jobs in zee city. I almost got a job that paid 22.50 an hour for an 8 hour shift. I could have had it, but I needed a car to drive there as walking wasn't an option. The employer even called me asking why I had to turn it down. But at least I know that I will have a spot there when it pops open again and I have a car.

Meh... I use my phone to write sometimes. You can see the difference when I write with my phone on docs to a computer. I used my local librarys computer which gives me two hours on it per day. Recently though. I found a bug that gives me infinite time. Not going to say how to do it, but I found it by accident. So that's cool, probably won't last though.

Life is boring aside from writing or drinking coffee or looking for work. I stay clean for the most part. I only drink on special occasions and in moderation. Fav drink is Grey Goose and coke. Can't stand beer. Sue me. Gonna have to get back into school next year, hopefully with a job and in my own apartment. Rent is cheap if you know where to look, though. Most of those places are one bedrooms or bachelor suites or a small house in the hood. Lived there once, not again. Waking up to gunshots and pipe bombs isnt fun. My record is clean by the way.

Thank God I have a strong mind. Some of the other guys around my age are a bit suicidal. Then again...I grew up in a horrible household and I learned a lot about Psychology. So I know how to deal with stress and depression rather easily. Hence the writing and I also play music, but I don't own my instrument of choice. Sax, guitar, violin, piano. So I mostly write and fiddle with Fruity Loops. FL studios. Fo a bit.

Though, on the upside. I'm pretty happy despite my situation. A lot more happy than when I lived with my family. They were really toxic to be around. Meh. I will put this up. It is good to let your thoughts out every once and a while. Still, being kicked out for being too quiet fucking pisses me off. Just thought you should know.

Report Winter Rosario · 145 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

That sucks, but i hope you find a job and a apartment, a great mind like yours shouldn't be living like that.

3845795 Meh... It gives me inspiration and lots of time to kill.

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