• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen November 17th


Inspired to write when there's no time. Inspired to rest when there's time to write.

More Blog Posts65

  • 385 weeks
    Stormrider is Out!

    Finally, after all this time, I've gotten Stormrider where I wanted and have posted it. This is my final new story before I start going back to my older ones. I know this project has been heavily delayed, but no more! The Stormrider

    -Cheers for That!

    2 comments · 665 views
  • 399 weeks
    Small Update

    I am still around and I have been writing more. I just haven't released anything as of late. The main story I have been working on is The Stormrider. I have 7 chapters written and my plans extended to further chapters. Expect it soon. I'm trying to decide a good day to release it and Eagles, you may get an early look at it.
    That is all

    -Cheers for That!

    4 comments · 679 views
  • 403 weeks
    The Writing Rut

    So.....where to begin?

    Hello! My Eagles, yes you, you reading this blog, you may have noticed something about me.....well....you've noticed my severe lack of updates or writing in general.

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    3 comments · 710 views
  • 414 weeks
    Want a Hearth's Warming story?

    So, yes, I have thrown my entry into the rising pile of Christmas/Hearth's Warming fictions. This one is about Starlight with the help of Spike, getting Trixie a Hearth's Warming gift. It's the first time Starlight has ever done such a thing and she needs help.

    So will she get Trixie the best Hearth's Warming gift? Well, she may give something she didn't expect.

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    0 comments · 692 views
  • 414 weeks
    Newest Story: Applejack Western

    Like Red Dead Redemption?

    Like Johnny Cash?

    Like Applejack badassery?

    Like Apple Sisters bonding?

    Like them all in one?

    Then Gonna Cut You Down is the story for you!

    1 comments · 535 views

Sons of Discord Preview (Final) · 5:56pm Feb 16th, 2016

This Curt Nightway couldn't hide from me forever. Everyone was a pair of eyes for me. The cellphones, the street cameras, and the home securities. Any way he walked, I could follow. Any time he talked, I could listen. Any place he decided to hide, I could find. Well, that would be the case, if I knew how to use my hacking abilities better.

"Stupid thing..." I muttered.

I would admit to anyone, I was still a greenhorn to all this. Technology wasn't my forte in any circumstance. Yeah, I hacked all those things before, but that wasn't special. My device did everything, I only pressed buttons. Starting a car was easy, just ignite the engine. Making audio from a TV go to my phone? Easy, just direct the audio away from the TV speakers. Finding a guy in humongous city? Yeah, that was going to be a problem.

The best first step to take was to find his phone. Of course, I was not sure he was even carrying his phone, but most people do. Using my phone, I started to search for all the nearby phone signals. Thousands alone were in the same block as me. I would have to check all of them one-by-one until I found him. Of course, I could just wire his phone number.

I did so. His number and information was easily taken from the police department. I searched for it and nothing came up. The number was a dead one. I cursed at this and kicked a piece of broken cement down the sidewalk I walked. This guy got out of prison knowing that he wasn't going to change at all. It was easy to tell he was prepared to be tracked by the police.

"I'm not the police though..."

Yes, final preview. Expect it to be submitted later this week....

-Cheers for That!

Report Gapeagle · 361 views · Story: Harmony's Creed · #sequel #preview
Comments ( 4 )

So she is not having a lot of training on how to do things or they gave her the starter course and letting her figure it out on her own?

3758619 The fun things about these previews is they are like movie trailers: you don't have proper context.

But you aren't entirely wrong. Yearling's gonna have it rough.


Yup, where is the story if everything came easy for the protagonist? Eagerly awaiting for this story to pass moderation!

3758692 Hopefully it does. Hopefully Mr. Meeester doesn't see it :applejackconfused:

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