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Soap Box

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Signing in Concert · 10:32pm Dec 24th, 2015

It's been a while since I did...well, anything. So I figured this was as good a time as any to pitch an old idea here, and see if anyone liked it.

As usual, it pertains to Octavia.

Octavia is one of my favorote background characters; usually, either her or Lyra claim my number one spot.

But honestly, I don't have many concrete, inviolate headcanons for Octavia. What I do have are random short story ideas. My first story on this site was an Octavia/Vinyl fiction with the pair as roommates...and I have a sequel in mind for that approach to her.

Not to mention the Metaltavia concept I pitched a while back, or -the project I'm most excited for- 'Philharmonica'.

This isn't one of those ideas. This is something simple.

Rainbow Rocks and the 100th episode featured a silent Vinyl Scratch- rather different from the over the top, manic DJ she is usually presented as in fan works. It's kind of led me to toy with the idea that maybe Vinyl is mute, and the reason she doesn't speak in canon is because she can't.

Of course, Vinyl is never too far from Octavia...and Octy is a classical musician. And one of history's most famous composers (Beethoven) was deaf.

Ignoring the obvious pony name of Beat Hoofen*...

What if Octavia was deaf?

What if Vinyl and Octavia's friendship began -at least in part- because of their mutual handicaps? Because Octavia is the first stranger Vinyl knows who understands Pony Sign Language, and vice-versa.

That's a story I've considering writing; Vinyl and Octavia's first meeting, specifically involving them connecting through PSL.

...And yes, this blog post is therefore a terrible joke about concert meaning 'a musical event' and 'a duet'.

*Random side note, but doesn't Beat Hoofen sound like a DJ stage name Octavia might use? DJ!Tavi is also on the list of Octavia's-I-Want-To-Write, so...

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