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Soap Box

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You could say this ship's popularity is at Rock Bottom · 3:24pm Oct 12th, 2016

I'm only a little ashamed of that title.

Anyway, I don't normally talk shippings. I have ships I'm interested in, of course... but I don't want to be "one of those guys" who talks about that stuff.
Unless I'm asked about it. Then I'll explain why FleetSoarFire is Wonderbolt OT3.

Anyway, I figured I'd make an exception, since this is a shipping I really like, but I've never seen really explored anywhere... including by myself. Writing a story about these two particular characters is actually high on my To-Do list.

Let's start the way most things should start: with Trixie.

Voted 'Most Shippable' since Season 1.

Trixie is no stranger to shippings, and having been a part of the show since season one, she's certainly had her fair share of fanfic written on the subject. Twilight (and Starlight) are probably two of the biggest fandoms out there... though I'd wager that TrixiexMaud is a pretty solid third. After all, a lot of good drama comes from contrasting personality types, and Trixie's extroversion is only really matched by Maud's introversion.

Heck, Trixie even worked on the rock farm during season two, so there is plenty of time for a romance to take place in!

I can't exactly argue with that... except that I'm about to. Because my favorite pony to ship the Great and Power one with is a rock farmer, but it's not Maud.
It's Limestone.

Can't you feel the love?

I admit, it's an odd choice. Heck, I'll even admit that it's a choice partly born out of my desire to just choose something a little bit different... but it's also a pairing which, I think, can lead to some interesting stories.

After all, Limestone has a very similar mindset to Trixie. They are both single-minded ponies, focused on their own careers and goals; rockfarming in the case of Limestone, magic in the case of Trixie. Neither of them seem particularly good at expressing themselves or communicating how they really feel, at least not with ponies outside a very very small sphere.

And, honestly? That could be milked for great drama, whether it's with regards two characters who like each other but can't spit out the words, or even just in regards of characters who are horrified to find that they actually like another pony. I sort of picture the two as having a very 'Slap-Slap, Kiss-Kiss' style relationship; if you were to ask Limestone, she'd probably complain about Trixie's "stupid face,", her "stupid eyes," or that "stupid polished mane". Trixie would probably be too self-absorbed to talk about Limestone, or would refer to as as a "common rockfarmer, not like the Uncommon and Magnificent Trixie!"

...And yet, if anyone were to insult their partner? I bet they would have each other's backs, hard. They'd never admit that they do it because they actually like them, of course, but still; the only one allowed to insult Limestone is Trixie, and vice-versa.

I dunno. I admit, I'm in a minority here; I don't think Limestone get's much attention. But I do think the ship -and her as a character- have a lot of untapped potential.

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