• Member Since 7th May, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2017

Soap Box


Ponies have always been fascinated by the stars and the images they create. But where did they come from?

When Celestia finds Twilight studying them, she decides to tell her. And while it may be a story that Twilight finds difficult to credit, it is one which Celesta is very personally familiar with...

"Constellation Luna" covert art comes from WarePWn3's deviantart.
Inspired by the Lullaby for a Princess animation and A Meeting by Moonlight by Jordan179
Edited by Divine Path

Chapters (1)

After her stay in the Haymalaya's, Daring Do had been looking forward to some rest while she wrote her next book. Instead, she finds herself press-ganged into leading an expedition at the command of Prince Blueblood. The prince has decided to mount an expedition for the legendary, long-lost palace of Princess Platinum.

For Daring, the motive is simple; the chance to find lost artifacts, treasure ad adventure. But is Bluebloods distant relation to the princess really the only reason he wants to find her lost palace? Daring doubts it; but as the secrets of the Platinum Palace, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever are revealed, that doubt might just get everypony killed...

Chapters (1)

Fleetfoot is the fastest pony in Equestria. That's what everyone says, anyway; living up to that reputation is harder than anypony might think. Especially when you know there is another pony who is better than you...

Chapters (1)

After Vinyl goes a little too far, Octavia makes a shocking claim about her music. Vinyl should really just ignore it and let it go.

Vinyl can't let anything go.

Chapters (1)