• Member Since 1st Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2014


Iatrogenesisist extraordinaire!

More Blog Posts42

  • 538 weeks
    Completely stressed out

    Between not getting killed by corrupt police officers or retaliating drug dealers, working on my thesis (a meta-analysis of headaches in neurocysticercosis; if you happen to stumble upon any articles, I'd be much obliged), completely quitting smoking (for real this time) and enduring hours upon hours of boring surgery classes (at least I managed to take a

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  • 541 weeks
    The coolest, bestest, awesomest YouTube channel EVER!

    There's so much neat stuff there! Have this sample!

    Try to cross-ref with what I stated here!

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  • 544 weeks
    Apple Bloom-licious

    Yeah, okay... no.

    I'mma make like an Inky Swirl and chop it.

    For the record: Lucefudu - Luce - Lucifer - Morning Star

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  • 545 weeks
    Dysphoria is oficially completed!

    First and foremost: I am tagging Borderline because Dysphoria, to those that don't know it, is its sequel.

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  • 545 weeks
    Science and Songs

    Blame Owlor

    Foucalt, I am this point. :I

    Now, for this next one, you guys will need a little guidance beforehand:

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Mist Skye, Teacher for a Day · 5:59pm Aug 17th, 2012

Mist Skye, Teacher for a Day

A re-telling of real events by Lucefudu.

“God dammit, you lazy faggot! For how long you’ve been procrastinating?!” Lucefudu asked his friend, Mist Skye as the latter did his best to ignore the taunts that had been going on for the past half hour. “Do you have any fucking idea how long it has been since you last made a new subtitle?!” Mist opened his mouth and mimicked Lucefudu’s words as he spoke them, “one fucking month! THAT’S HOW LONG!” he spat. Saliva flew from his mouth, landing on Mist’s meticulous work that lay spread onto the table before him.

Mist merely rolled his eyes, trying his best to remain polite when confronted the obnoxious teal unicorn. “Oh, give me a break!” he said as his yellow wings fluttered in annoyance. “I said I was busy!”

“Yeah, too busy hanging out with your brother’s girlfriend, allright!” Lucefudu balked, smacking his hooves on top of the table Mist’s newest project was currently on for emphasis.

“Look!” he said, rubbing a weary forehoof against his dark-brown mane, trying to keep the incoming migraine at bay, “the longer you keep stalling me, the longer it will take to finish the subtitles!” Mist’s silvery eyes were focused on the unicorn’s purples, locked in a deathly stare.

Lucefudu’s face scrunched up in anger when he heard the words muttered to him. His eyebrows furred in anger as he yelled at Mist’s face, “WHATEVER, CAPTAIN COCKFACE! JUST GET TO WORK ALREADY!”

“FUCK YOU, JUNGLE MONKEY!” Mist’s rebuttal was almost instinctive, but filled with malice nonetheless. Lucefudu’s reaction was far from what Mist had expected it to; he locked eyes with the pegasus, looking a mix between incredulous and furious and turned around, grunting and mumbling in annoyance as he made a beeline to the door.

“Can’t believe I wasted a walk-on-clouds spell for this,” Mist heard him mutter through clenched teeth. “I actually fucking wasted a walk-on-clouds spell for this! Un-fucking-believable!” The unicorn stallion walked out the door of his friend’s home and slammed it shut with his telekinetic grasp, something that would make the door’s hinges crack were the house not made out of clouds.

Mist breathed a weary sigh and slammed his head on the desk before him in frustration. Just when he was done thinking that that’s the last he would hear from Lucefudu on one day, his double-pierced ears perked up when he heard a “AND FUCK YOU!” from his friend coming from outside. The thought that Mist was finally alone in his house brought a light smile upon his muzzle. The smile, however, was short-lived, as he heard a loud, imposing knock on his door.

“Fffffuck... not again!” he grumbled under his breath, massaging his temples. The door suddenly burst open, producing a loud noise that both startled and irritated the yellow pegasus. “Look, Luce, I said I wa-”

Mist’s voice trailed off when his gaze fell upon the form on his doorstep. There, looking triumphant and all-mighty, stood a dark-brown pegasus wearing a white jacket. Water dripped from his two-colored mane, pooling around Mist’s cloud floor. The pegasus jerked his head to look at Mist, who just looked quizzically at the intruder. He opened his mouth to inquire as to what the unknown pegasus was doing in his home when said pegasus marched forward with boastful steps, popping his chest forward in a mock-intimidation stance.

“I am Wolokai, The Writer!” he announced, prompting Mist to scrunch his muzzle incredulously. “I have come, to enact my vengeance upon you!” The brown pegasus gave one step further, making a visible effort to stomp it as hard as he could on the cloud floor.

“... what?” Mist asked, unable to even begin comprehending the scene that unfurled before him.

“You are the one who tried to destroy me! And now it’s time for vengeance!”


The brown pegasus’ emotions were too much for him to handle. His tears gritted against each other as he looked at Mist with a murderous intent. His bloodshot, red eyes began to leak a few tears as his angry demeanor soon made way for a disconsolate one. The stallions hooves began to shake as he was unable to dominate his wild-running emotions. “Y- you!” the stallion began to sob as his eyes turned to a shade of green. “Y-you d-d-didn’t have t-to do it!” His knees faltered and soon, the stallion fell to the ground, allowing the forlorn emotions to take command of both his body and mind. “Y-you t-tried to r-ruin me! I never d-did anything to you!”

The brown stallion buried his face in-between his forehooves as tears of misery poured from his eyes, streaming down his cheeks and painting his coat to a darker tone of itself. Mist, however, was still dumbstruck from the whole ordeal and could do naught but remain seated and look at the invading pegasus skeptically.


“DON’T DENY IT!” Wolokai screamed, pointing a hoof towards the yellow pegasus. “YOU ALWAYS ENVIED ME FOR MY TALENT! YOU HAD ALWAYS ENVIED ME FOR MY FANS AND FOR MY WORK!” His strength faltered and he fell to the cloud floor, looking pathetically at Mist. “Why?” His tone had shifted to a lighter, pleading one. “Why do you hate me so much?!”

“I never said that I hated you!” Mist replied, his confusion turning into anger at the accusations.

“LIES!” Wolokai screamed at him. His muzzle opened to spew forth more lies, but the yellow pegasus had had enough. He stood from his seat and walked slowly, but decisively towards the other stallion.

“You don’t get it, do you?!” Mist asked, lowering himself next to the now-cowering brown pegasus. “You just can’t get it through that thick little skull of yours, can you?” He proceeded to poke at Wolokai’s forehead for emphasis. “No matter what you do, Wolokai! No matter how hard you try, it’ll never hit me! And you wanna know why?” Mist gave the stallion a moment to reply to his rhetorical question, but he merely whimpered something unintelligible. “Because I was trying to help you! Not destroy you, like you claimed!”

Wolokai’s head instantly perched up, looking at Mist’s silver eyes. “B-but!”

“All I ever did was give you fair criticism! I never, ever attacked you or your stories! You got the same treatment that I give for everypony else.” Mist’s speech was firm, yet poised. “You aren’t special enough for me to make an exception out of you.”

Upon hearing those words, Wolokai’s heart skipped a beat. He felt his held breath burning in his lungs as his stomach seemed to knot itself inside of him. The nauseous feel that being contradicted brought to him seemed to overwhelm Wolokai’s body. “No...” he whispered under his breath, trying his hardest to collect his thoughts. “You’re... you’re-”

“It’s no lie,” Mist muttered, stopping the other stallion from concluding his sentence. “You simply aren’t the writer- in fact, you aren’t a writer.”

“No...” Wolokai whispered, sounding dejected and pleading at the same time. “B-but... m-my fa-”

“Your fans mean next to nothing!” The yellow pegasus stomped his hoof on the floor, prompting Wolokai to cower and whimper once more. “What defines you- anypony as a writer aren't his fans! It isn’t the number of stories he publishes! It isn’t the praise he receives!” Mist said and inched closer, whispering the words the brown pegasus dreaded to hear right into his ear, “it’s yourself and the way you act!” He quickly rose and walked back to his chair, sitting down and puffing a sigh. “And that, Wolokai, is why you aren’t a writer.”

The brown stallion ceased his whining and looked wide-eyed at Mist. His brain was too busy processing the knowledge that the pegasus bestowed upon him. A small part of him knew it to be true, but he was scared. Scared to face the truth. Scared at the fact that he might not be the writer after all. He fought against such though, thinking back of what exactly his fans had told him. He tried his best to pool all the strength from all the praise that he’s got, but try as he might, he knew that it couldn’t be a coincidence that some other ponies pointed out the same flaws over and over on his works.

He knew that Mist’s words were not those of mock or derision. True, he had raised his voice at him, but that was justifiable, seeing that Wolokai had burst into his house and accused the pegasus without second thoughts. Wolokai hated to admit it, but there were truth on his words.

“I’m s-”

“Spare me. Just- go.” Mist pointed out towards the door without turning back to face him.

“Please!” the brown pegasus pleaded, crawling over the floor towards Mist’s hooves, who just looked down at him apathetically. “If-” he hesitated, knowing that admitting it was a road which he wouldn’t return from. He gulped and looked up to face the yellow pegasus. “If you could teach me, then-”

“No.” Wolokai’s half-smile was completely faltered. His mouth contorted and hung in despair as he clutched Mist’s hind hooves, trying to bargain with him.

“Please! With your help! I- I could be... the writer!” he offered, forcing a smile to the sitting pegasus, whom patiently tried to yank his hooves free from his grasp.

“No! You storm into my house, you point accusing hoofs towards me and now you expect me to help you?!” Mist looked down to him, looking incredulous. The brown stallion tightened his grip on his hind hooves and whimpered pathetically. Mist merely smacked a hoof on his forehead and sighed, wishing that he’d never woken up on this particular day. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind, the strangeness of it was enough to capture Mist’s attention completely.

This would be perfect! Not only will it teach him something about being humble, but it will also serve for me to get back at him for everything he did to me in the past.’ He thought and grinned mischievously, looking down at the whimpering pegasus below him. ‘Oh, especially the latter!

“Okay, Wolokai,” he started faking compliance, something that prompted the stallion to jerk his head upwards, listening attentively to everything Mist had to say, “I’ll teach you how to be a writer.” ‘Amongst other things.

A stupid grin was found plastered across the brown pegasus’ face, he opened his mouth to unleash a machinegun of gratitude upon Mist, but the stallion silenced him with a wave of his forehoof, something which he eagerly complied to. “Thing is, Wolokai, you need to learn how to be more humble.”

Wolokai’s face contorted slightly in confusion, but he was quick to stop himself as his mouth opened in a round “o”. Mist slowly lowered his body, his face nearing the lying pegasus’, whom felt his hot breath when he muttered, “humility is a harsh lesson, Wolokai.”

The brown pegasus felt heat radiating from his cheeks as his whole body quivered from the statement coming from the sultry stallion above him. He felt his brown wings slowly unfurl and open themselves to their full extent. Gulping, he inched his head closer to Mist’s, drinking his wonderful scent. Mist, however, backed away, prompting the stallion to look dejectedly at him.

“Oh, no, Wolly,” he said, arching his body backwards and making his plopped stallionhood visible to the dark pegasus. Wolokai felt his heart beating faster and faster as his mouth instinctively filled itself with saliva. His hooves shook when he felt that he had unconsciously thrusted his hips against the cloud floor. Mist further arched his body back as Wolokai reached a hoof to his thighs. Mist felt his throbbing hard stallionhood bobbing in the air, just waiting for the slightest touch as he let out a growl, like a wild animal. The lying stallion licked his lips whilst his brain was flooded with pure lust.

He placed a hoof on one of Mist’s thighs and slowly brought his head near the erect member. He closed his eyes and slurped across his tip, licking the precum that dripped from his stallionhood, sending shivers of pleasure up the yellow pegasus’ spine. As he worked his way through Mist’s shaft, using both his teeth and tongue with a precision he didn’t know he had, Wolokai felt his own stallionhood pulsing, desperate for attention. He reached a hoof to his own member, trying desperately to soothe the burning sensation between his legs. But with his focus shifted, the brown pegasus couldn’t give Mist the proper attention that he desired.

Mist, on the other hand, felt that Wolokai was moving too slow for his tastes. He placed one forehoof on his shoulder and the other onto his head, forcing him to swallow his entire shaft. He struggled, of course, but Wolokai felt something coursing through his mind; he felt that he deserved this lesson. He felt that he needed this lesson. As the brown stallion’s tongue carefully swirled around the shaft occupying his mouth entirely, Mist felt his warm breath directly on his groin’s fur, prompting him to buckle; the pleasure coursing through his body was nearly pushing him right up to the edge.

With strong hooves, Mist pumped his head up and down and, by some miracle, he kept himself from blowing his stack. Wolokai tried to slow him down, but his mind had already melted into ecstasy. Still- the cries of pleasure from the intense sensations were too overwhelming for the yellow pegasus to handle and soon, he felt something building up along his stallionhood. Primal desires had started to take over, and he wouldn’t be refused. He gave Wolokai’s head one last pump and pressed his muzzle against his groin, feeling the tip of his shaft being clutched by the brown pegasus’ throat.

He finally released himself and he reflexively slid out, seeing his still hard stallionhood slip out of his mouth and spilling his seed all over Wolokai’s face and muzzle, who just opened wide and took almost every ounce he could inside, swallowing with pride, like a pig in the mud. Mist felt another jolt of pleasure rippling through him and he blew more of his cream onto the stallions face, making it drip along his mane and his back as he growled like an animal. The yellow pegasus staggered backwards, plopping himself back to his chair, panting hard and admiring the work he had done before him.

"Will you teach me how to be a real writer," Wolokai asked, as Mist's sticky seed dripped from his mouth. The dark pegasus quickly noticed this and scooped a large portion of it with his tongue, greedily swallowing it. Mist noticed with some amusement that the corners of Wolokai's mouth unconsciously wanted to jerk upwards, conforming into a smile.

'Like a pig in the mud,' Mist thought before a grin of his own was etched onto his muzzle. "No, Wolly," the seated stallion said, inching closer and glaring deeply into his eyes. "There is a lot yet to come."

Report Lucefudu · 190 views ·
Comments ( 34 )

Before you do any stupid shit:

If someone tries to do something about this, there is a good chance that my hands might slip and the truth might be typed down. We wouldn't want that, now.

Would we?

Now, with that said, open the gates of hell.

Carmine sat on his couch, rump slouched back to maximize his comfort. He picked up his laptop--blasting some new metal song that had just came out with almost indecipherable lyrics with a catchy guitar riff--and placed it in his lap. Almost as quickly, a loud ping captured his attention. With a look of confusion, the stallion muttered something before checking his fiction tab only to see a notification message. A large smile grew on his face; after all, he rarely got any new notifications these days.

He clicked on it, only to see that one of his favourite writers had a new blog post. Reaching over, Carmine picked up a cup of hot coffee mixed with Irish creme and a few teaspoons of milk. He clicked on the blog, and with a quick roll of his eyes--he knew Lucefudu's blogposts were always silly or didn't make any sense--he began reading, sipping on his hot beverage.

Then he reached the middle of the blogpost. Coffee was spat out of his mouth, coating his laptop screen in the light brown liquid. Almost instantaneously, his laptop shut off. He grimaced, before nearly dropping his cup on to the counter. "Fuck you, Luce," he stated, eyes glowing red with anger.


Basically what happened except my laptop's still working.

Wait... wut

Is this a rant? It looks like a rant. And I would like a summary, cause I can no longer figure out who is who.

293643More of THIS plz

293870 HAS BEGUN

I like it until I got to the middle. That just wrong.:pinkiecrazy:



Oh wait, I'm protected by this blue box. :yay:

294146>>294149 You guiseseseseses seem to be forgetting the main element of this shenanigan.



Oh... you know what else rhymes with 'plot'?

294376 Hmm... False. I'll go with false.

294382 What if it's actually true?

294442Nah. It's probably just a raw sewage container. But go ahead and rub your face all over it.

You know when you walked outside of the house onto the clouds?
You notice how there was a lump of cloud that was sticking out, that you thought was just a random cloud and chalked it up to Mist been lazy?

What you don't know, was that the lump of cloud...
Was me. :derpytongue2:

294784 Does that mean that I... entered you?

Gotta admit, though, dat ass is magnificently fluffy.

Changelings are the best.

294641WHOA, WHOA, WHOA.... Whoaaaaa.....

Well, we can turn into anything. :raritywink:

You flatter me.

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