Story Idea #4 · 2:07am Dec 13th, 2015
This idea formed in my head thanks to me reading Pen Stroke's Sunset Slayer a while back and having it drifting around in my brain for a while waiting to colide with something else in there.
What if, when Midnight Sparkle tore open those portals to Equestria, it created a chain reaction in the dimensional fabric that seperates Equestria and the human wold, destabalizing it, and when Daydream Shimmer closed the portals, it caused the dimensional fabric, in its destabalized state, to create a new, permanent portal between the worlds that not only is open permanently, but also does not change the species of whatever travels through it nor does it cancel or hide their magic, and the portal on the Equestria side opened up in the middle of Chrysalis's hive, and in the human world it opened up in an abandoned factory or something, allowing the Changelings to discreetly start invading the human world and it's up to Sunset Shimmer, the human-5, and Sci-Twi to discover them, stop them, and somehow close or plug the portal.
And that run on scentence is a perfect example of why I'm not qualified to write these storys myself.
As always, if you use this idea to write a story or have seen a story using this idea already, link me to it.
I'm not planning on using such an idea, nor have I seen a story with such an idea, but I do have my own plans involving changelings (or changeling-like creatures) in the human world.
Just saying.
And I look forward to seeing what you have planned.