Something i feel must be said. · 3:36am May 2nd, 2016
Reformed characters and how Twilight interacts with them.
Luna: In Twilights eyes, Luna and Nightmare Moon are two different pony's, so she treats Luna with respect.
Discord: He perposfully antagonizes her, so she is hostile towards him while throwing him a bone once in a while.
Sunset Shimmer: She had no interaction with her in between the first and second movies, so she had no idea what kind of person she was and was hesitant at first, but then got to know her a little and lost her hesitation to trust her.
Starlight Glimmer: Originally had the best interest of others in mind, even if her ideals were misguided. Became ventictive when her ideals were challenged and way of life destroyed. Shown that her ideals were born from a form of abandonment as a child. When convinced there was a better way to live and shown the consequences of her actions, she offered to accept any punishment that they deemed necessary for her. All these things come together to have Twilight want to show Starlight that better way to live her life.
Trixie: Twilight had no interactions with Trixie between the events of "Magic Duel" and "No Second Prances". Information on the Alicorn Amluet is readily available with the warning as a part of it, and as such, Trixie either stopped reading before she got to the warning, thought she could overcome the Amulets corrupting influence, or just didn't care. Trixie gave an apology, shot off some fireworks as a means of apology, and ran away without taking responsibility for her actions while under the Amulets influence. All these things come together to have Twilight view Trixie as not evil, but with a hesitancy to trust her.
If anyone has any points to add or to argue against, please, I'd like to hear it.