• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 29th, 2016


I love tiny lesbian horses.

More Blog Posts12

  • 450 weeks
    Bloody wrists

    Well, I can't say last night was fun....Sadly I failed at suicide. I woke up in a hospital, my parents looked sad....I really am sorry everyone.
    Thank you for anyone who made a comment or just read.
    For anyone that's still confused or something, I been trying to kill myself for a while....It's just a madder of time.


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  • 450 weeks

    Maybe it's time for me to say goodbye.....

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    Season 5

    Just watched the season five ended! So good!
    Did anyone else love Dashe's hair at the king Sombra shot?

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  • 459 weeks
    Three Day Week-end!!!!!!

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  • 460 weeks

    Anyone else have those nights when you must get sleep but you can't? Well...its 1 here and I have to be up in 4 hours! I have over three tests tommorrow and other important shiz. I need my sleep. I tried going to bed at eleven

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    1 comments · 426 views

Bloody wrists · 12:50pm Dec 7th, 2015

Well, I can't say last night was fun....Sadly I failed at suicide. I woke up in a hospital, my parents looked sad....I really am sorry everyone.
Thank you for anyone who made a comment or just read.
For anyone that's still confused or something, I been trying to kill myself for a while....It's just a madder of time.


Report PinkiePiesGF · 679 views · #Suicide
Comments ( 58 )

Killing yourself won't fix anything.
You'll only cause more sadness and pain that way.

Well don't! Why are you trying that??

3599478 Sorry but it's the only way to get rid of my pain...

3599481 So many reasons...

3599510 There's more than one way to erase pain.
Talk to me and 3599481
We want to help.
That's what we do.:rainbowdetermined2:

3599514 Thankyou for offering help...it's nice.

3599525 That's what friends are for.
REAL friends.:rainbowdetermined2:

3599511 Well start at the beginning. :fluttershysad:

3599536 :rainbowdetermined2:
We'll do what we can.
Right, partner?

3599540 Yeah. :twilightsmile: (You're the sidekick. :rainbowlaugh:)

3599606 (In your Dreams, bub.:rainbowlaugh:)

3599614 (Yes! :D I am the Batman and you're Robin! :D)

3599620 (Ha ha, very funny.:facehoof:)

3599623 (:ajsmug: I'm the Goddamn Batman!)

3599653 Fine.
But I'm nobody's Sidekick.:rainbowdetermined2:

3599658 Then you can be, uh... Uh... Nightwing! :D

3599731 No, you can be Red Robin! :D

3599735 Make up your mind already.

3599841 You can be Red Robin. :ajsmug:

3599862 I prefer to be myself, really.:eeyup:

3599864 Okay, but you don't have any training. :rainbowhuh:

3599874 ......... :rainbowhuh: ......... But then how can we fight crime????

3599878 I prefer to fight people who wants to kill themselves.
In the way so I can save them, of course.

3599881 Okay. :scootangel: I'll go break bad guy's arms now and make them WISH they were dead. :pinkiecrazy:

3599897 I highly doubt that would solve anything.:facehoof:

3599909 Yeah, but do remember that every single bad guy comes back for revenge.
The cycle of hate and revenge never stops.

3599913 And they get their butts kicked again! :scootangel:

3599926 That doesn't stop them from hurting innocent bystanders you know.

3599930 And I always save them. :scootangel:

3599943 There are those even Batman can't save.

3599972 No, I can still save them because comic books. :scootangel:

3599978 Which are works of fiction and not real.

I got that feeling before and my outcome was worse...

Well I'm glad your alright and alive, but why were you trying to kill yourself?

Sorry for being so forward, but I'm new to this thread

3599982 Stahp ruining my imagination!! :raritydespair:

3600118 I'm a bit of a realist.
But I'm a dreamer, too.

3600123 I'm pessimistically realistic! :scootangel:

3600135 And yet you're the one who claims to be Batman.

If you ever feel like talking, I'm just a PM away.

3600138 Batman's a pessimist. And a realist.

3600368 You wouldn't dare clap fast. BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!!!!

3600387 Dream on, buddy.

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