Bloody wrists · 12:50pm Dec 7th, 2015
Well, I can't say last night was fun....Sadly I failed at suicide. I woke up in a hospital, my parents looked sad....I really am sorry everyone.
Thank you for anyone who made a comment or just read.
For anyone that's still confused or something, I been trying to kill myself for a while....It's just a madder of time.
Hello, there! I see that you have added the story, Stuck in a Ship in your favorites. Thank you!
Hey, noticed you added 'Remembering, Mother' to your favourites, too.
If you're enjoying my stuff, have you considered subscribing? I've always got plenty of ideas and stories going on in the background and you'll be able to keep up with what I'm doing. You never know, I may churn out a few more stories you'll love.
Regardless, I want to thank you for the love you've shown for my work, and I hope you're faring well.
2105385 Thanks. I wasn't too sure about it as I was writing it as I'm constantly trying to think about what Dash's psychological responses would be like after coming to the realisation that she was abused by her ex.
Even now I think I could have written it much better, as it's a very sensitive subject that people respond to in different ways. I feared backlash for not being able to convey it at least somewhat realistically.
Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I'm glad to hear you're recovering, though recovery itself can come with the occasional relapse, so if you find yourself in despair I sincerely hope you have someone you can talk to. Of course, as I mentioned, if you need to vent to a complete stranger, my PM box will always be open.
I wish you the best.
2105298 Thankyou! Sure, "Dash and the Gala Apples" was a great story! As for my last blog post, Thankyou again. It means a lot that you responded. As for that I'm still recovering, I'm able to go to classes and such but it's taking a while for them to heal.
*Bro hoof* :)
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for adding 'Dash & the Gala Apple' to your favourites.
If you get a chance, why not check out some of my other work. I don't have much to compare with it, genre-wise, but my personal favourites include:
'Nightmare In Rainbow' - a short story about one of Rainbow Dash's worst nightmares!
'Remembering, Mother' - a scene written about Applejack taking the time to mourn her parents after a long day of working the farm.
'Spike: The Dragon Princess' - a more grandiose adventure surrounding Twilight as she is summoned to the Dragon Realm to help deal with a group of aggressors known only as 'Heroes'. Oh, and Spike becomes a Princess!
On another note: your last blog update hasn't gone unnoticed; if you want/need someone to talk to, don't be afraid to inbox me. Stay safe, please.