• Member Since 1st Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2020


I am an aspiring author and bookstore owner living in NSW Australia.

More Blog Posts16

  • 395 weeks

    :twilightsmile:I promise to get back to writing stories in the new year. I have been working on my novel, and distracted by many things. Next year will be better. :ajsmug:

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  • 421 weeks

    I am sorry. My story and life in general is being delayed due to Hearthstone addiction.:facehoof::moustache::fluttercry::ajsleepy:

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  • 430 weeks

    I know I need to put out the next chapter to my new story soon. I'm part of the way finished, but I have more to go. I am not sure how I want to finish the story as it is about Lord Tirek's past. I want to tell the story of how he acquired his hunger for power.

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  • 438 weeks

    :moustache:I know you all are waiting for my next story.:ajsmug: I am writing a couple of stories now.:rainbowhuh: The one most likely to be published by me next is a crossover with characters from Magic The Gathering.:pinkiesmile: I am even crazy enough to attempt to create my own card block to go with it.:flutterrage: Spoiler alert.:raritywink: I plan to include a romantic subplot with Twilight

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    0 comments · 427 views
  • 450 weeks

    I hope people read this.:twilightsheepish:I hope people like this.::pinkiesmile: This time I think I've got it.:ajsmug: This is the one that'll blow 'em all away.:rainbowdetermined2:

    That's how I imagine most authors feel when they post on this site.:raritystarry: But how high should an author set his or her sights? What is a reasonable response to excpect?

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Hopes · 10:58am Dec 6th, 2015

I hope people read this.:twilightsheepish:I hope people like this.::pinkiesmile: This time I think I've got it.:ajsmug: This is the one that'll blow 'em all away.:rainbowdetermined2:

That's how I imagine most authors feel when they post on this site.:raritystarry: But how high should an author set his or her sights? What is a reasonable response to excpect?

The story that has had the most viewers that I wrote is a about slurs. I am not surprised by this as hate speech is still a problem in the world today.:fluttershysad:

However, I am surprised my story about Maud Pie marrying The Smooze received so few views and so many dislikes. I thought people liked Maud, and would want to read about such a unique pony making such a unique choice in life partner. It even had a parallel in the marriage equality issues in the real world. Oh well, I wasn't really disappointed.

I am not disappointed by the response to my latest story "Skippers." It is about my take on the Unicorn version of Yom Kippur. Since I don't know how many out there are interested in Jewish holidays, I didn't know what to expect. I was pleased by the response.

It was also my first Rarijack story. It was only friendshiping, but it was close to romantic. I don't want to have Rarity and Applejack romantically involved in my head canon because I am already committed to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. And Two thirds of the mane six being mare's mares is a bit much given only twenty percent, at most, of the population is gay in the real world.

I find it a tad frustrating that we have only had any real hint of the sexual orientation of two out of the sixes sexual orientation. One of them must be gay, but which one?

This should be the subject of another blog.

My next story will have an odd couple theme. It should be innocuous and funny. I hope you and a lot of other readers will love it.:raritywink:

Report CoastBrumby · 449 views · Story: Skippers · #Yom Kippur #Rarijack #Hopes
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