• Member Since 1st Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2020


I am an aspiring author and bookstore owner living in NSW Australia.

More Blog Posts16

  • 395 weeks

    :twilightsmile:I promise to get back to writing stories in the new year. I have been working on my novel, and distracted by many things. Next year will be better. :ajsmug:

    0 comments · 358 views
  • 421 weeks

    I am sorry. My story and life in general is being delayed due to Hearthstone addiction.:facehoof::moustache::fluttercry::ajsleepy:

    0 comments · 434 views
  • 430 weeks

    I know I need to put out the next chapter to my new story soon. I'm part of the way finished, but I have more to go. I am not sure how I want to finish the story as it is about Lord Tirek's past. I want to tell the story of how he acquired his hunger for power.

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  • 438 weeks

    :moustache:I know you all are waiting for my next story.:ajsmug: I am writing a couple of stories now.:rainbowhuh: The one most likely to be published by me next is a crossover with characters from Magic The Gathering.:pinkiesmile: I am even crazy enough to attempt to create my own card block to go with it.:flutterrage: Spoiler alert.:raritywink: I plan to include a romantic subplot with Twilight

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    0 comments · 427 views
  • 450 weeks

    I hope people read this.:twilightsheepish:I hope people like this.::pinkiesmile: This time I think I've got it.:ajsmug: This is the one that'll blow 'em all away.:rainbowdetermined2:

    That's how I imagine most authors feel when they post on this site.:raritystarry: But how high should an author set his or her sights? What is a reasonable response to excpect?

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    0 comments · 448 views

Promises · 12:27pm Dec 24th, 2016

:twilightsmile:I promise to get back to writing stories in the new year. I have been working on my novel, and distracted by many things. Next year will be better. :ajsmug:

Report CoastBrumby · 358 views ·
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