• Member Since 30th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen March 1st


Writer, artist, musician, and sometimes other stuff. Like my work? Help support more via patreon!

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♫Yo ho, yo ho, to Ciderfest we go!♫ · 5:00am Nov 20th, 2015

Hey Everybody!

Well, it's been a busy November between writing, drawing, and making inventory. But soon all my efforts will be worth it as we go off to Ponyville Ciderfest here in sunny Milwaukee! I'll be at table 35 selling all sorts of cool stuff. Cutting boards, pens, coasters, jars, glassware, and more! I hope to see some of you swing by and say hello!

See you at the con!

Report Ruirik · 427 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Good luck! Sadly, 20 hour drive is a bit out of the way for me.

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