• Member Since 21st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I give folk what they want, nothing more. And that just happens to be poorly thought out Fanfics with bad updating schedules

More Blog Posts739

  • 11 weeks
    I don't know how to put this out here so I'll just put it

    I don't know how to really put this so I'm just going to be straight to the point. And just know I hate bringing up real life issues especially here

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  • 13 weeks
    Happy birthday to Me

    Hard to believe that I joined this website 11 years ago now at the ripe young age of 17. Now I'm 28. How much time has flown since then. Kind of crazy to think about. I might not be as active on here as I used to be but this website will always exist as my early forrays to an active online presence.

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  • 53 weeks
    I think ive said this before

    But you guys can also Find Me here on FA as well. I'll admit I'm more active there than I am here

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  • 67 weeks
    Things are occuring

    Anyway! They took me to the county lockup. Hate to admit it; but it's not the first time I'd been there. After what felt like four hours they finally threw me in a holding cell with the shitty gym mat and blanket they give you to sleep on.

    And so I slept.

    And didn't wake up once.

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  • 71 weeks
    Considering Bringing This Story Back

    As the title says, I'm considering bringing this story back to mortal coil of actually trying to write again

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Time for a little vote · 1:32am Sep 20th, 2015

With Halloween just around the corner, I'm considering doing a nightmare night story and I'm allowing ya'll to vote

As of right now, I have two main ideas:

One, a simple short zombie story about a group of survivors

Or a more humorous story about some friends OCs being turned into their costumes

Report bluemoon1996 · 427 views · #Stupid bluey
Comments ( 39 )

Those are both awesome!:rainbowkiss:

I like the zombie one.:ajsmug:


You'd have to give something that isn't thunderbolt

3405082 Socket Wrench, Smooth Sailing, Iron Smith, or Shifting Winds.:scootangel:

3405096 I offer all of them every time! Most people just end up using Sentinel!:rainbowlaugh:

I vote the humorous story~:twilightsmile:

Are costume suggestions available?:derpyderp2:

2, but you gotta have a guy end up as a changeling and get TGed. Otherwise nu.


I'm totally for the second option.

As much as I like zombies, the second option smells like a neat idea.
Mmm... OCs and costumes.
"I dressed up as a delicious cupcake!" *poof* "..."
"I went as a changeling." *poof* "Oh no how will I change back- oh wait."
"I went as a horrible dragon from an ancient legend that was a harbinger death-god that signalled the end times and shrouded the world in plague and fiery brimstone--"

The good stuff that ponies go for.:trollestia:

I would have to go for option two, mostly because option one has been done to death.


Well, as of right now we got one zombie and a changeling
Well, costumes win :rainbowkiss:

And Greycait may or may not help canary


3405398 Yay!
Then I shall try to suggest a costume (er, two actually)
-Purple Guy from FNaF
-orrrr.... Freddy Fazbear from FNaF.

Either would be completely funny:trollestia:

of course that's just a suggestion~


Umm... No as far as I know


Oh I already got the OCs

3405426 darn it!
But okay~ I shall still read this, for I feel it'll be funny:trollestia: ah, sorry for the flat humor.
I have a migraine from something that happened a few minutes ago with a friend~


Oh well, and it'll have a werepony too

3405426 This does not please your waffle god.

3405450 WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o3o

That made me think.... Vampire? ewe


You're not in itself


And just because... Shall it be anthro or reguslar ponies

3410684 Hm.... antrho has alot already so I say regular. Plus its always funny to see them try to learn howto walk.

3410684 regular. Oh please be regular. Although anthro would be cool if you were dressed as the murderer of Freddy Fazbear's or Freddy Fazbear himself~


Yeah just had to ask for formalities sake



3410707 What? Alot of other stories like this are antrho.... I mean yeah if they get tged they also obtain boobs but its done so much
and you want your story to be unique


Well so far it's

A zombie
A changling
A werepony or a zebra
And blackjack/cyberpony XD

3410727 What about a thestral? (Tg with :P)


That's the changeling ^^

3410740 Theeeeen make it anthro since it has tg :p

Regular, I only like anthro in my porn.


Ehh I'm the same man



3410759 Question, will this be rated M? (please say yes it allows way more funniness with tg :rainbowlaugh:


Yes... Because the zombie is literally falling apart

3410784 YES! So who is the pervert of the group gonna be? XD

3410684 regular ponies please thank you

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