Updates and Editor wanted · 3:10pm Sep 6th, 2015
Chapter 1 of -I'am the Eggman. Its what I am.- is done.
Story chapters I am working on
Chapter 1 of - Somebody stop me! - Displace Mask
Chapter 1 of - I'am 120% Cooler! - Displace EG Rainbine
Chapter 1 of - The Heart of Black wars Vengeance - Displace Blackwargreymon
Chapter 3 of - Dark Magic Attack!
I am looking for a editor. If anyone want to they can pick a chapter of Dark Magic Attack! or I'am the Eggman. Its what I am. just pm me the edited version of that chapter and I will do the rest.
I will be very thankful to anyone that helps.
Can I help?
3376569 Sure. ^^ Just pm me the edited versions of the chapter or chapters to me. Thanks.
3376584 How am I able going to edit the chapters? Can't you just send descriptions about it in PM?
3376593 Well first which one of my fics to you want to edit or both? Just download the chapter, edit any mistakes in it and then copy and paste it on a private message/mail. That what pm stands for.
3376610 Isn't the Eggman the guy from Sonic?
3376617 Yes he is. He the bad guy.
3377535 Can I edit the Sonic story?
3377582 ok
3377595 Where is it?
3377600 If you mean - I'am the Eggman. Its what I am. - story then that the one.
3377608 The only story you published says something about "Dark Magic".
3377619 I publish two stories. Dark Magic Attack and I' am the Eggman. Its what I am.