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Turning "The End of Ponies" into an audiobook since 2013.

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[Audiobook] The End of Ponies - Chapter 35 · 4:00am Aug 19th, 2015


Hey all, and welcome back for the 35th chapter, 4th in the new arc that is Dredgemane (or Pinkie Pie, as I'll often call it). Last time, Harmony had gone back to the past anchored to Pinkie Pie, who quickly turned out to be more than she could handle. She found herself strung along through one crazy antic or another: from tossing out rock hard newspapers, to reading poetry, to cutting down trees, to riding jet skis, and even dismantling a sea mine!

Harmony quickly became frustrated and overwhelmed, though things finally settled down when they went to help out with Rarity's fundraiser for Ponyvillian orphans, and she took some time to think over her situation. But out of nowhere, Rarity's chariot came crashing down from the sky, pulled by an unseen pony named "Anastasia". Before Harmony has a chance to recover, she loses Pinkie Pie in a crowd, and is cast back into the wasteland that is the future, more frustrated and angry than before.

What will Harmony do? Will she attempt to go back to Pinkie, or will she run off and find something else to distract herself? And more importantly; if she does go back, what does she stand to gain and learn, other than another miserable experience? After all, it's not as though the Last Pony has much to smile or laugh about where she's from.

Listen in to find the answers to all that and more! And as always, thanks for listening! ^_^
- Prismic

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