• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Jul 24th, 2018


You have to be put together before you can be torn appart

More Blog Posts3

  • 386 weeks
    Help me.

    Well shit, it's been a while hasn't it?
    Hello to everyone reading this! I seriously can't believe I'm sitting here in this chair writing this.... It feels so weird and yet kinda nostalgic to say the least. Today, I come to you all with one request, a very important one at that.

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    0 comments · 304 views
  • 436 weeks

    "But... I thought you were dead?!" Well, no, sadly, I am still in the realm of the living.

    Hey Everyone reading this! I'm just writing this to tell you that I miss writing for you all, but due to some things going on irl, I haven't been able to update the story. At all...
    Also, I have some good news and some bad news.

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    0 comments · 392 views
  • 467 weeks

    Aight, so the thing is like dis,
    I, The Onyx Master, made this blog post, and I have no idea what to put in it.
    Maybe emoji's? :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: Hmm I guess that feels kind of alright...
    Oh, and a question to be answered: Why are you even reading this? Please answer down below :P
    What else... What else... Ah! How about I tell you a bit about myself?

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    0 comments · 250 views

Idk · 6:59pm Aug 8th, 2015

Aight, so the thing is like dis,
I, The Onyx Master, made this blog post, and I have no idea what to put in it.
Maybe emoji's? :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: Hmm I guess that feels kind of alright...
Oh, and a question to be answered: Why are you even reading this? Please answer down below :P
What else... What else... Ah! How about I tell you a bit about myself?

My favorite color is green, I like MLP, (duh) I am still very bad at writing stories and blogs, and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Some other things include: I :heart: anime, thus I make a lot of anime references in my stories, my life is slowly being torn appart by my family, so I use FimFiction to ease off some stress, I like cats, some of the parts in "A Special Gift" are spin-offs of some real-life events that happened to me, and I get bored very quickly if I'm not doing something new every 5 seconds. :P

Is that it? Did I do this right? I still don't know. Welp, I might as well ask another question: Do penguins have knees? Answer below.
Okay, I think I'm doing well, so here's a fun fact: "A Special Gift" takes place over a single week, and when the week ends, the main character, Onyx has to return to Earth. This means that once Onyx goes back, it'll be the end of "A Special Gift," but it will continue in another story named "A Special Return," and end on "A Special Depart."

Alright, that has to be enough right? Yes, okay then. Goodbye! :D

Report onyxmaster · 250 views · Story: A Special Gift ·
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