Reasons behind the hiatus · 3:21am Aug 4th, 2015
Hey everyone. I've been getting a lot of comments and messages lately asking when I'll start posting new chapters of all my stories like I said I would in the last post. Well, the unfortunate thing is that there won't be any for a while. NOT that I'm not working on my stories, it's just a lot of real life stuff has kinda put me in a funk. We're understaffed at my job as of late, so I've had to pull more hours and lose all but one of my free days (which changes every week so it's a little hard to plan things accordingly). And even more recently was the ending of my first relationship. Heart break is rough, I'll tell you what.
But, real stuff aside, I will be working on my stories, but don't be expecting updates soon. I will keep my promises from the last post, but I plan on releasing all those chapters at once instead of as I complete them. So, for those that are following more than one of my stories, if you see that one has updated, then you'll know that the others will be updated that same day. I hope that will satisfy everyone for now.
Before I go, though, I would like to ask one thing of my fans of the Gravity series staring Kat Shifter. The question being would you all like me to start posting out chapters of Gravity 3 alongside those of Gravity 2? I know it sounds as if it's a direct sequel, but Gravity 2 is not necessarily required to understand Gravity 3. There would be parts that would seem strange if you hadn't read the previous one and Kat's new personality could throw you for a loop. But that's the thing I leave up to you all.
And hopefully it won't take me months to be able to get into the full swing of things. Stay brony my friends.
You too, my Brony. Also..... If the girl broke up with you..... SHE'S A DIRTY WHORE!!!
No offense to her though! Good day!
That's life for you man, sometimes its rough, sometimes it just keeps getting rougher. Try and keep a positive attitude, and take your time on your stories. Believe me, rushing into them just so they get out faster might ruin their essence. All in all, best hopes and wishes to you mate, you will be able to muscle through anything the world throws at you if you really want to.
Have a fantastic day DJ!
It's cool. Do what you can and I hope that one day, life will be easy for you.
well that's life for yah it cool just keep doing what you what and it will get better man