Revive, Respawer room and death order · 6:32pm Jul 13th, 2015
When Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl was on earth they read the MLP displace fics. They notice that some of them that a displace has killed one or all of their mane 6, cmc, Spike and Princesses. This made them sad so while they was in stone and designing a tower that they are going to build they create the respawer room. This room is design to be connected to all other Equestrias that has a displace in them. So that if any of the mane six, cmc, Spike or the Princesses (or anyone if that pony is very close to that displace) get killed then their souls will be brought to the respawer room where they will be revived. But if their death was cause by being absorbed, being turn to stone by a cockatrice, get turn ethereal or get turn into a Heartless then the room will copy their souls and them to revive. The copy soul can remember everything the original soul can remember. But while they are revived it come with a cost. A cost that they can't return to the Equestria they come from. But if the original soul of a revive copy is brought back to life then that copy can return if they want to.
Death Order
Now I have been reading displace story and made a list of who kill who in what story that the respawer room is going to revive. I am going to do my best to keep them in character they was in when they died or copied if the original was brought back to life in their Equestria. So you didn't read the following displace story then stop reading this blog now.
Cupcake: (killer Pinkie Pie) (use to test the room)
Rainbow Dash
Right Behind you (killer Red Spy)
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
The Crimson Fucker is Here (anthro) (killer Alucard)
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle Cutie Mark Crusaders
Twilight Sparkle
Gravity of the Situation
(soul copy) Fluttershy (killer Raven Masters) (brought back by Kat Shifters)
The Songs of True Madness (displaced Essence/Musician)
(killers Ripper and his Voidlings)
Rainbow Dash (killer a Voidling)
Princess Twilight Sparkle (killer a Voidling)
Rarity (killer a Voidling)
Pinkie Pie (killer a Voidling)
Princess Celestia (killer a Voidling)
Princess Cadence (killer a Voidling)
Applejack (killer a Voidling)
Spike (killer a Voidling)
Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle Cutie Mark Crusaders (killer a Voidling)
Metroid, Displaced in Equestria (displaced Sam Aran)
Spike (Killer Sam Aran) (reason: Spike was infected by a X parasite)
Princess Luna (Killer Nightmare Moon/Sam Aran) (reason: Nightmare Moon takes control of Luna’s body for good so Sam had to kill her with help of Golden Freddy.)
Too Epic for Arrogance (Displaced Vegeta from dragon ball)
(maybe killed) Princess Luna (Killer herself due to giving what’s left of her power to Vegeta to fight the foe)
Sir Freddy the Golden (Displaced Golden Freddy)
(When turn to stone by a cockatrice a copy of her soul is sent to DM Equestria even those GF can make her statue move again) Princess Celestia (killer Golden Freddy)
(When turn ethereal DM’s spell will copy her soul and send it his Equestria even though when turn back to normal) Twilight Sparkle (killer Golden Freddy)
Wibbly - Wobbly Timey - Wimey? Nope, Just Max (displace Max)
Princess Celestia (killer a pegasus)
Princess Luna (killer a pegasus)
When Lightning Strikes… (Power Ponies world) (displace: Lance the Gunvolt Azure Striker Cody and bad guy Nova/Noah The Mighty)
Due do being turned into Heartless and nobodies by Drake/Ansem a heartless displace from Jason’s Equestria (who was summon by Nova) the souls of all seven nembers of Power Ponies get copy and send to Dark Magician’s Equestria. The copies can choose to return to their Equestria if both their heartless and nobody are destroyed and reunite with the original soul.
Solaria (Sunset Shimmer) (turner/killer Drake/Ansem the heartless from Jason’s Equestria)
Radiance (Rarity) (turner/killer Drake/Ansem the heartless from Jason’s Equestria)
Mistress Marevelous(Applejack) (turner/killer Drake/Ansem the heartless from Jason’s Equestria)
Zapp (Rainbow Dash) (turner/killer Drake/Ansem the heartless from Jason’s Equestria)
Saddle Rager (Fluttershy) (turner/killer Drake/Ansem the heartless from Jason’s Equestria)
Masked Matterhorn (Princess Twilight Sparkle) (turner/killer Drake/Ansem the heartless from Jason’s Equestria)
Filli-second (Pinkie Pie) (turner/killer Drake/Ansem the heartless from Jason’s Equestria)
Chaotic Wind (anthro)(displace Vaati the mage with no boundaries)
Princess Cadence (killer Vaati)
Foxy Of Equestrian (displace Foxy the Pirate aka Nightmare Foxy)
(turn to stone and soul copy) Princess Celestia ( Killer Foxy)
The Darker Side of Life (displace Darth Folteren and Bastila Shan) Dark Life And Frozen Mind (Sequel to TDSOF) (displace Shea the Night Elf)
Twilight Sparkle (killer a pony ally that was about to die)
Odin’s Might_ A Gaul Displaced (displace Gaerwulf)
Fluttershy (killer Gaerwulf)
If there are any others I missed let me know.