• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2015
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Harms Way

Admirer of Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle

More Blog Posts122

  • 129 weeks
    Five... Years... Later...

    Hey everyone,

    So I figured I'd let you guys know that the newest chapter for EQG:LFD is now published. After almost five years since the last time. I'm so sorry for making you all wait that long. I know what's written here and the chapter itself probably won't make up for it. I spent so long just staring at the screen while writing it when I realized how long it's been since the last update.

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  • 156 weeks
    Y'all are Amazing

    What's up y'all?

    I just want to say thank you to everyone who gave A Glorious Day a like and a fave. I know I sound like a broken record each time I do this. But I don't care. You guys are awesome. I'm lucky to have each and every one of you here. And I am glad that you all enjoy these ideas of mine that eventually make their way from my mind to the keyboard.

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  • 182 weeks
    Voting's Done

    What's up y'all,

    So I've decided to end the voting since it seems we have a clear and decisive winner.

    Getting the next "Erotica Girls" story will be none other than...

    The Great and Powerful Trixie!

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  • 183 weeks
    Thank you!

    What's up y'all.

    I just want to say thank you to everyone who gave my latest story a fave. It truly means a lot to me after such a long period of time of nothing happening. I've already been having ideas about who will get the next 'Erotica Girls' story. But I couldn't decide between the final two. So now I'm going to leave it to y'all to vote.

    It'll be between the following two:

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  • 185 weeks

    Howdy y'all,

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Q & A: The Answers · 2:31pm Jul 7th, 2015

Well ya'll, its that time. I've looked at each question that everyone has asked and now, the time has come to answer them. So lets just dive on in, shall we?

These questions are being answered in the order that they were submitted.

Would you consider doing a sequel to My Little Human: Rule of the Dazzlings?

I have always been planning on making a sequel to the My Little Human series. But each time I've tried getting that first chapter written, my mind just draws a blank. Rest assured that a sequel is on the list of stories that I have in mind. It just might be a little while before it takes form. Thank you for the interest in this long overdue story, Garfield23.

What inspired you for the Hunted series?

Well, when I first read this story called "Going Somewhere...?" by trevordark, I was very impressed with how he portrayed the Dazzlings. Once I finished reading it, inspiration hit me like a freight train and I just started writing what came into my head. I also drew some inspiration from this video for the chase scene. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TRaj2-9G5U)
For At Their Mercy, I just took a long look at each of the sirens and thought "what type of sexual behavior would they be into?". A New Beginning is pretty much me trying to continue on with the story, no real source of inspiration for this one. Thank you for asking this, ZombieChristian22.

Out of all the girls in Canterlot High, who would you ship yourself with?

This question really made me laugh when I first read it. Very hard to choose just one. If I could ship myself with anyone from Canterlot High, it would most certainly be Applejack. There's just something about that southern accent that gets me each time I hear it. Plus, I'm from a small town in the middle of Iowa, surrounded by farmland, so out of all of the main 6, I can relate to her the most. This question was very difficult to answer, thank you for the challenge, Golden Flare.

These next answers are for Awesomo3000, who asked me a bunch of questions at once. Thank you for asking all of these questions, my friend.

How did you become a brony?

Well, when the show first came out, I wasn't even paying attention at the time because it came out during my senior year of high school, so my mind was focused on getting that diploma. A few years pass and one night, I catch my older brother watching a video relating to the show, can't remember if it was an episode or not. At first, my reaction was "How can a guy who works on tractors like a show for little girls?". That all changed when I decided to sit down on my laptop one night a few weeks after and see for myself. The first episodes I watched was the "Friendship is Magic" two-parter. Ever since that night, I've never looked back.

What's your favourite episode?

That's a tough one. I think I might need to update my list on my profile. But my favorite episode so far (not including Season 5) would be Magic Duel. For Season 5, my favorite episode is actually the one that just came out, Amending Fences.

Out of the eight villains (not counting minions like Aria and Sonata) we've had so far in the premieres, finales and movies up to Season 5, who is your pick for the best?

Definitely Adagio Dazzle.

If you could remove one meme from the fandom, what would it be?

I don't really pay attention to memes in general. So I wouldn't know.

Any ideas for a guest star on MLP?

Either Morgan Freeman or Seth MacFarlane.

You almost done with that chapter of new beginning?

I'm pleased to say that should things go the way I am hoping, the next chapter should be up by the end of the week. I sincerely apologize for the unintended hiatus. My mind just shifted focus away from it to my other stories. I promise that I will do my best not to let that happen again. Thank you for asking, JDAstrid1079.

Do you have any other ideas for new stories?

Yes. My mind is always full of ideas for new stories. It's only a matter of them making the journey from my mind to the keyboard. I'm working on a new story that hopefully will be out sometime in the next few weeks. Thanks for the question, KingKang.

Who's best pony between Applebloom, Sweetiebell and Scootaloo?

Who do I think is the best of the CMC? Gotta go with Applebloom on this one. There's just something about her that sets her apart from the other two, not due to the accent. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but it is enough for me to call her the best of the CMC. Thanks for asking again, Garfield23.

Which Season premiere and finale are your favourites?

So far, my favorite Season premiere is the Season 5 one. I'll always remember that episode because that is the first one I managed to watch via online stream. Favorite finale? Season 4, hands down. It was interesting to see Tirek persuade Discord into jumping ship, so to speak, and helping him gain power from all of the other ponies. Thanks for the question, Awesomo3000.

And finally...

What compelled you to write Hunted? And does Protag's shop class injury in any way reflect personal shop class experiences?

As mentioned before, I was inspired by "Going Somewhere...?" by trevordark. The revision of the story was basically me taking a look at the story and thinking "This is a good story, but I can make it much better than what it is." As for Anon's shop class injury reflecting any personal shop class experiences, I never took shop class in high school. Mostly because at the time, I was more into computers and technology. So I chose to take classes about web design and marketing instead of shop. I don't remember a dang thing that I learned in those classes. The injury was actually a reference to an episode of "King of the Hill" where Hank accidentally cuts off Dale's finger with a skilsaw. Thank you for asking, TheBronyRacer.

Thank you all so much for these great questions. I had lots of fun reading each question and thinking of their answers. Who knows, maybe once I actually hit 150 followers, I might do another Q & A to give some who might not have even known that I was doing this a chance to ask me a question or two.

Hope ya'll have a great day.
- Harms Way

Report Harms Way · 432 views · #Q & A #Answers
Comments ( 1 )

No problem, keep writing, mon ami. :twilightsmile:

If you're interested in one more question, you can check out my latest forum on Writer's Group:


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