Busy, Busy... · 10:16pm Jun 27th, 2015
So, it's been a while since I checked in with you guys. As the blog title suggests, I've been rather busy as of late. A lot of things have been happening very fast, and that pattern is going to continue for at least the next few months.
First, I'll address those of you who are only here because you're following Anthro Clopfic. The next chapter is about 60% done at the moment. I ran into a spot of writer's block, but I've pushed through it and will work on it when I have time. Rest assured, the story is not dead. It's just taking a while because of real life stuff. Things are transitioning into the final act, and I still hope to check the 'Complete' box before the end of the year.
For those of you who give a crap about what's going on beyond my fic writing, the real life stuff isn't anything bad (so far). It's just very distracting. Just the past two days, I've logged about 1600 miles on the road, and I'll be putting in at least another 3000 over the next week. Then, I have to move out of my apartment and back in with the folks with a good chance of having to move again in the next couple months (possibly to the opposite side of the country). See what I mean about lots of stuff happening very fast?
Good luck with the move, i hope it works out