• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
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More Blog Posts77

  • 150 weeks
    Been a while...

    Hi folks. How are you doing? Been a while. I like to imagine in the great solar system that if FimFic I'm some trans-Neptunian object that only occasionally comes into view intermittently before wandering out to the cold antipodes of space to which I belong. Personally life has been the same. Some original writing. Glacial progress on Homelands, but its not dead. I'm going to be at EFNW in

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  • 215 weeks
    Feeling better. Also, an interview.

    So my temperature is almost back to normal and I feel a lot better. Hopefully in a month or two I can get an antibody test and find out if that was C19 or just flu. Anyway, either way, doing better.

    I'm also going to be doing an interview for the midair pony faire on twitch. It'll be on Horizons, Homelands, and Worldbuilding in general.

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  • 216 weeks
    C19, cons, and other stuff.

    So 2020 sucks. It just sucks. I'm sick with something and waiting on a C19 test. Hopefully it's just a flu or some junk.
    But there is something good happening on the 25th. Ponyfest Online is a discord con and I'm going to be holding an hour long discussion on character creation, evolution and development.


    and the website is

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  • 239 weeks
    Ministry of Image Fallout Equestria print finished.

    Coming in at a whopping 9 books is all of Horizons. You can read it... prop up a leg of your bed... kill a caribou with it... Paper the walls of your house... have a yearly supply of toilet paper... the list goes on and on.


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  • 254 weeks
    Bronycon meet up

    If you'd like to meet me at bronycon or get something signed I'll be holding court in quills and sofas (310) from 4:00 to 5:30 on Saturday. Look forward to meeting awesome people tomorrow.


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Everfree updates · 4:12pm Jun 2nd, 2015

So now that Everfree is over, and I'm back down at Heartshine's place with a moment to think, I thought I should update everyone on how it went.

First, the con itself was a blast. I got to be on two panels, and while one of them was a little disappointing (two people talked almost 90% of the time and I didn't have an opportunity to add a few points I wanted to)) the other one ((FoE panel)) was an absolute blast. Terrifying, but awesome. The room was so full we turned away forty or so people, and it was a little bit before Swicked and a friend could get in! There were also some concern with some 4channers plotting some shenannigans, but fortunately nothing came of it. I worked really hard to push why FoE was so important to so many of us, gave a very brief summery, and tried to explain why FoE had spawned so many side stories. Hearthshine talked about how FoE was LGBT friendly and how so much of it was deeply vested in the psychology of the characters. Then we took questions, many of which were about Horizons, and then our time was up.

Unfortunately, some people were afraid that the panel was going to become the Project Horizons panel and had a side story author's panel that conflicted with something else I wanted to do. It was a shame, as the FoE panel had almost no scheduling conflicts. It would have been nice to hear from writers of other fics about why they love FoE too, and then made the FoE: Side Stories panel about side stories, of which Horizons is one. I don't know how that panel went, but I hope it went well. I urged the FoE attendees to read and support as many side stories as they could. Hopefully it'll provide a boost.

I met lots of readers who were very glad to meet me and even wanted me to sign some posters. I have NO idea why they'd want that, but I did and they were happy. One guy slugged me in the shoulder for Simply Rarity making him cry, but after that he was nice about it. There were three Blackjack cosplayers and some Littlepips so that was awesome too.

Lastly, I went to a mock pitch party with Jayson Thessians and Jim Miller, directors of MLP. They told us things to do to get our stuff made professionally. One of the biggest was making original content. Fanfiction is great, wonderful even, but no one will touch it unless it's been made into something original. So when Horizons is finished, I need to start working on an original story. That doesn't mean I'm done with FoE or MLP. Far from it. I still want to write fanfics. But I need to devote a lot more of my time and energy writing something that is accessible.

So that's about it, then. If I met you at EFNW, I hope I wasn't too much of a disappointment. With luck, everything will work out well.


Report Somber · 475 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Glad to hear you had a good time! I really wish I could have been there myself, but alas, living in Australia means I don't get to attend many (any) cons. :fluttercry:

I really do hope somebody recorded your panels. I'd love to watch them.

Apparently two people did, one livestreaming. Unfortunately, he had to pack up before the end where I told people to read more side fics but... sigh... what can you do?

Just you wait, next year I'm going to try to get to EFNW and if you're there, I'm gonna make you and your editing team sign a Littlepip and Blackjack poster I have. It's already signed by Nowacking, so it'll be double the special if you can sign it. I hope to see ya next year!

Hearthshine talked about how FoE was LGBT friendly

1) When was it not?

2) When was any brony fanfic not? (I'm not counting very blatant parody fics and whatnot)

3) Is this supposed to be based solely on the fact that Littlepip is lesbian?

3117973 She never said it wasn't, nor that the MLP fandom wasn't. However, compared to many stories, movies, and other media out there, it is relatively supportive of the LGBT community. Also, not entirely that she's a lesbian, but yes. Blackjack is a (theoretically) strong example of a bi character. (she'd be Bi, even if she hadn't grown up in 99). P-21 is a strong male gay character. I don't know a trans character, but it's right up there for an alicorn.


You know, this is actually an occasion where I feel like you did better than Kkat...


As far as "LGBT-awareness" goes among bronies, the vast amount of shameless lesbian fan art and fanfiction compared to far more rare "male-on-male action" speaks for itself. Almost no one does it out of "solidarity". They just do it because it's "kinky", or as a gimmick. And Fallout: Equestria is no exception. Littlepip and Homage getting it on has entire chapters devoted to it. That one stallion who is merely mentioned to be gay? The fact that he is has zero effect on the rest of the story, and it's brought up completely out of the blue, almost as an obligation or whatever.

Conversely, P-21's sexuality was a neat touch. It actually manages to add to the story, since it ties in with the plot directly instead of just being a "decoration". Then again, I still wouldn't call any of the overall mess of sexualities in Project Horizons very "LGBT-aware". Beyond the way they affect the obligatory romances (because of course every Fo:E story leads to the characters shagging each other), none of them are the focus of the story and are completely irrelevant in the midst of the violence and horror the characters go through. Call me crazy, but Blackjack as a "strong bi character" was not exactly noticeable during the scenes where she rips ponies apart with her robotic limbs or cuts their heads off with her sword.

and even wanted me to sign some posters. I have NO idea why they'd want that, but I did and they were happy

Maybe the day PH will be printed, when you'll have half a ton of books to sign waiting at your doorstep, you'll finally understand.:moustache:

It was nice to meet you at EFNW. I thought the panels went alright, as did the ORCs and other such events.

Simply Rarity did make me cry, by the way, although I wasn't the one who slugged you on the shoulder.

Good convention overall, hope to see you there again next year!


Great meeting you man, the FoE Panel was awesome!

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