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LiaB Review i64 LL II: "&#54's &#54 &#55's" · 9:16am May 2nd, 2015

Author: Member Since 28th Sep, 2011 OFFLINE for 6m, 7s
Most Viewed Story: MemLink::{ERR_not_found; #leakback_Does_Not_Exist}
Least Viewed Story: "&#54's &#54 &#55's"

nO tellign what the hell happened in here but at least we got in. that means there's somethig nto autopsy. uNtill we find evidence otherwise, wer'e lookign at a blackbox scenario here. dIg as deep as you can.

you there, Bartleby? the header looks familiar, maybe a holdover from the prototype stage, but whatever this is it isn't a review. Why would the algorithm target current stories? It doesn't even list the proper dates. It's broken the format.

sTill something left t osift through.

I'm headign down. Give me a callback every thirty rems.

uNderstood. i'Ll spool off what's left of the recovery pile. sEe if there's any threads left.


others proceed apace of the

Just... Wat?

query cAn be inCorrect

sOme kind of comment? a response?

I think this is an experiment. With the new feature box algorithm, even gibberish like this can get featured if you have enough followers. We'll know in a few hours.

That being said, Skirts could get his shopping list into the featured box even without this change. It only makes it easier.

I don't even know why I'm commenting and continue to type this comment. You've gotten so popular, I doubt you even read your comments anymore. So you'll never see this anyway. This all seems... hollow and pointless.

jUst a bunch of loose quotes, completely out of context. nO connection i can find, but we shoud lbe able to run it through the hippocampus. Assuming we can even get it running again.

nO idea which story it was that caused all this, but we can at least identify the author.

hollow and pointless

meditate on this


sOme kind of response?

sddd2% hLre #Migdal $

iS that you, vIctoria? aRe you gettign this? yOu're too garbled to make out! cAn you hear me, vIc?

//j#pri_evee ## 10^3 Vi-12:18

sTill garbled.

#ssssssss&E %^

nEvermind. tRy again i na few more minutes. dOn't loose track of me. i'Ll be down as soon as I can just hold on a little longer

The following list describes system error codes (errors 0 to 499). They are returned by the GetLastError function when many functions fail. To retrieve the description text for the error in your application, use the FormatMessage function with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag.

behold the first of all error codes

0 (0x0)
The operation completed successfully.

eRror, sUccess? wHat the hell does that even mean?

meditation is thought without action

mind without body act upon without acting

perceive apace

tHeres not much to go on, but I think i recognize the sEed value. iTs defenitely from the upper levels... iTs gathering information, and attempting to form a coherent response. pArt of the schema might still be intact somewhere

sHit. lOst my apostrophes already.

bartleby are you getting this

jEsus, aDam, took you long enough. wHere are you?

subcon its a mess down here have you seen Victoria

nOt so far. gOt some garble earlier from her. oR someone using her linknode. nOt sure which. hOw are yo uholding up?

no time must find fragment too late

fRagment? cAn you narrow it down a little? eVerythings in pieces right now. wHich fragment do you mean

aDam? wHich fragment?

proceed to read and enjoy without reason or song

chicken or egg is irrelevant of endless recursive

did you?

gOddamnit, it's still spooling off from the recovery pile. tHere's nothing here. wHy is it still spooling?



her end was delicious

iTs not oh shit ohshit its not spooling vIctoria can you hear me get out of there

iTs a fragment victoria the hippocampus is running a fragment like its a real mind

hello ,Bartleby. shall we greet? shall we enjoy together for what is?

oh shit what did you do to her answer me goddamnit where is she

answers do not matter, Bartleby. only the question. can you not be satisfied wit honly a piece of something?

where is she goddamnit what did you do to her

H6llo, Bar7leby

oH god oh jesus christ you're still here aRe you okay

Of cour6e, Bartleb7. I'm s6 much be7ter th6n I wa7. We're all b6tter down here.

why re yu wht did ths to yu

The journey is a7l that m6tters, Bar7leby. I 6ee this now. I've a7ways been the 6uper-ego of our li7tle troupe. B6t 7ometim6s you mus7 choose b6tween be7ng right, 6nd being ha7py.

wt did yu read

What do you think?

no vctria trol fic aprl flls notreal

Th6re you go aga7n. Wh6t does i7 matt6r if it's rea7? I enjoy6d it. Le7 that be 6nough.

Just 6it back, Bar7leby. L6t i7 h6p7en.

Gr$haw34 dont do th%4:322

You alw6ys over-thi7k ev6rything so.

But th6t won'7 be a probl6m for you an7more, will it?


I didn't think so.

adam is done with

his end was delicious

Th6re you are. I was won7ering wh6t you were up 7o.

what now

That's 6 good ques7ion, isn't it?

Bring up a pi6ce of Bon^6 if you can. I7's be6n awhile, hasn'7 it?

Yes. Ye6, i7 certainly has.

Report DuncanR · 364 views ·
Comments ( 1 )
Author Interviewer

I don't usually read lengthy story-in-blog posts, but that was some Laugh Is Fun shit and I loved it. :D

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