• Member Since 15th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 23rd, 2021


Yo Way Yo, Home Va-Ray, Yo Ay-Rah, Jerhume Brunnen-G

More Blog Posts12

  • 475 weeks
    Peculiar new landmark.

    Unless I'm mistaken, I just got my first follower that I didn't follow first. They are Bobthekeng2468. I was wondering if this would happen.

    9 comments · 622 views
  • 478 weeks
    I met the 750 follower goal.

    Another landmark for gearsofsolitude.

    6 comments · 392 views
  • 484 weeks
    I'm not getting banned!

    As much as Eldorado hates me, as long as I keep the number of people I follow under 20 per week, I can't be banned for following people.

    Also, I ended up doing a rough analysis that showed that out of everyone I've followed:

    18.32% Give me full support.
    7.71% Flat out don't like me.
    3.12% Are dead accounts.
    70.85% Don't care either way.

    Read More

    8 comments · 540 views
  • 484 weeks
    A Follower was banned.

    It would appear that the user A Follower was banned for what is now called "spam following" because some users find receiving follows that they don't believe that they earned to be annoying or even insulting. The people banned for this are those that are attempting to follow everyone on Fimfiction.

    What makes me different:

    Read More

    35 comments · 653 views
  • 487 weeks
    Second Follower Goal Reached!

    I have surpassed Lilith911. That is all.

    7 comments · 487 views

I'm not getting banned! · 9:42pm Apr 17th, 2015

As much as Eldorado hates me, as long as I keep the number of people I follow under 20 per week, I can't be banned for following people.

Also, I ended up doing a rough analysis that showed that out of everyone I've followed:

18.32% Give me full support.
7.71% Flat out don't like me.
3.12% Are dead accounts.
70.85% Don't care either way.

Also, I was going to make this a surprise but, on June 30, 2015 I will have been conducting this experiment for a full year. At that time I will declare my experiment done, and will no longer follow people even if I haven't reached my goals. Now I won't completely disappear, I'll merely just convert this into a blog account. I won't be posting any stories though since having over 700 followers when posting a first story is kinda unfair and would most likely result in an instant featured.

Any way, the battle is won. Now let us continue on this long journey of followers.

Gearsy, out.

Report gearsofsolitude · 540 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

dude, as a warning, you saw what happened to A Follower, don't do this

I am most likely that 70.85%.

I'm glad to hear that you will be able to finish your experiment! Will you link the final results here once you are done?

As much as Eldorado hates me

Funny, I thought he felt that way about me, too . . . .

Huh, congratulations about your experiment.

Well, it's good to see the experiment's still on. I'll check in every now and then to see how you're doing. Good luck, friend.

We had a very long conversation and determined that I was okay to keep doing what I do as long as I stay below the limit of how many people I can follow per week.

Awesome! I'm glad you went forward and got permission, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to comment on the voting blog. I saw it, but was busy that day. If you post them, I look forward to seeing your results. Anyway, good luck! -Justin

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