The China of Fimfiction · 5:26pm Apr 15th, 2015
Greetings comrades we are now officially the China of Fimfiction with no over 60 followers .
So comrades it shall not be long until we can march to war and conquer the world in one cruel and relentless wave...I've said too much, for the time being I'm now open to any and all questions you may have so ask away (although I'm scared as to what you may ask
"We'll bang okay" ~Commander Shepard (The most underqualified commander to exists when in the hands of gamers)
2987055 Very well comrade, but I want to be the little spoon (wow, I wonder if anyone will get that
) Well at least he can throw a good punch...especially at reporters
2987062 Ha this is what everyone wants to do when faced with reports
2987064 lol, that last stay down was probably the greatest line in any video game ever
What's it like being a moustache?
2987068 It's fun for the most part, although when comrade Stalin has a cold
2987067 Indeed, and hey if you're the China of FIMfiction.. what am I?
2987078 Dear god, what is twice the size of China, maybe the dark side of the moon
2987081 More than twice the size comrade
bow before my majesty
nah I honestly have no clue why so many people follow me 
2987084 *bows* It's probably got to do with the fact that you're a nice guy to talk to
2987086 Hmm maybe.. or that in my prime of RP I caused a great plague to spread upon FIMficion causing civil riots everywhere, and the ones that follow me do it out of fear
2987091 How on Earth did you accomplish that
2987097 .... the mind of a madman has no bounds
2987099 Yet the mind of a tyrant oversteps them *reaches into coat*
2987101 *hand turns into a plastic chicken* Nnope also no RP
2987105 I was getting a cookie comrade
2987107 and now your hands a chicken and I cant turn it back because mods.... sucks to be your right now
2987118 what you don't realise is my arms already tasted like chicken before, now is just adding a visual aspect
2987121 Hahaha, oh I knew that already
did you ever wonder where those teeth marks came from? 

2987124 I thought those ran in the family
, my dad must have some really weird tastes
2987126 wait what
2987132 ummmm, I assumed it was normal. What about toenail jars are those accepted in today's society?
2987133 .... run
2987144 I have defeated the mad God, ALL FLEE BEFORE ME
2987139 Trust me, you don't want to know the true horrors of the Russian winter
2987147 no I said run because your farther is cicero
2987150 ok
2987152 not poor, little Cicero. Wait does that mean my mother is...oh no.....
2987158 I'm just going to go vomit, the Night Mother and Sithis are always watching
2987160 the night mother is your mother hahaha
2987165 Exactly, but don't you dare make any jokes about my poor, sweet mother.
Anyway I got to go, it's been fun
2987173 indeed it has, farewell comrade, enjoy your day
Glory to Astotzka!
What do you feel equestria is? Me it's a attempt at making a Death World livable.
3049569 probably an all-conquering, colonising, terrorizing, warmongering, totalitarian state in which everyone is forced to look happy, masking the true underbelly of corruption happening all around them. ( or just a country inhabited by ponies in a world inhabited by all sorts of talking fantasy creatures
3049603 so the second one then?
3049610 yeah, pretty much
3049692 strange I saw it as a world so different from our own, yet so similar