• Member Since 10th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2013

Th4t Dark c0rner

More Blog Posts4

  • 594 weeks

    M'kay, this is really starting to get old now. I seem to lack the enthusiasm I once had when it comes to reading. I have 110 unread chapters and that's AFTER I trimmed the fat.

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    0 comments · 450 views
  • 615 weeks
    T'was only a matter of thyme. And basil. bit of rosemary if it's not too much troub-

    Well, It's been a long time coming, but I've got some FANTAS-GOOD news. I'M PREGNA- I mean, I've FINALLY CRACKED!!! WOO HOO, BREAK OUT THE KEYBOARD FLAVORED CHAMPAGNE TH4T DARK C0RNER HAS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOST IT!!! I've really gone off of the deep end, but for some reason I'm still not creative enough to find a good enough place to hide the charred dismembered body parts that ONCE (empaphasis on

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    7 comments · 302 views
  • 631 weeks
    A valid point

    two things must be brought to everybodies attention, for neither can exist without eachother and the information is vital to the survival of all that we hold dear.
    Firstly: People say that enough Non-human crossovers (into equestria) exist
    Secondly: I agree with the aforementioned "people/persons."
    Thirdly: I don't keep count of things awfully well.

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    0 comments · 247 views
  • 633 weeks
    What button did i just press?

    -Oh my, this is quite a strange page, and it seems no-one has taken the liberty to write in it, well okay it DOES have little tiddly bits probably with links that lead to other pages, but there is just a big slate o' writing space just waiting to be filled. oh my, that sounded a bit more sexual than i had intended. Whelp. might as well right down thoughts as they come to me and see if i

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    3 comments · 295 views

T'was only a matter of thyme. And basil. bit of rosemary if it's not too much troub- · 6:36pm Jul 11th, 2012

Well, It's been a long time coming, but I've got some FANTAS-GOOD news. I'M PREGNA- I mean, I've FINALLY CRACKED!!! WOO HOO, BREAK OUT THE KEYBOARD FLAVORED CHAMPAGNE TH4T DARK C0RNER HAS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOST IT!!! I've really gone off of the deep end, but for some reason I'm still not creative enough to find a good enough place to hide the charred dismembered body parts that ONCE (empaphasis on once) made up my psychiatrist. Hm, food for thought. is that the appropriate saying to say here??? Bah, who cares, noone even reads mah blog anyway.
while we aren't on the subject, does anyone else see a multicoloured dolphin's head at the end of their peripherals that disappears whenever you try to look at it? it keeps offering me pillows made of spaghetti, but I already have one of those, and while i have been called MANY things, greedy is not one of them. Okay maybe it is, but that's beside the point, About three micro metres, to be exact.

the world is a strange place, isn't it? to make up for many of man's woeful inadequacies we have made many a things, and though some of them have worked in expanding our knowledge, we still are beginning to chip the proverbial iceberg of knowledge. My dad always says: "the more we know, the less we know," and after catching up with recent scientific news (in laymans terms: what's up with the zappy zappy and chemicals) Do I realise how true he is. In Switzerland (i think it is) they spent roughly 10 billion dollars building and experimenting with this thingymebob called the LHC (large hadron collider.) It's part of a subsection of machines that use technology to propel and collide single protons (ionized hydrogen atoms with the neutron removed) into each other at near light speed, well, speeds.

after so many years of toiling around with the zappy bits and magnets, they found what they were looking for. the higgs boson. I'm not going to spend twenty minutes discussing the finer points of the higgs feild, and elementary particle physics, because to be perfectly Fred? I would not do it justice, so just google it. what I am going to talk about however, is the significance behind this momentous discovery. Man's advantage over all other animals (besides ponies) is its magnificent mind. (Irony is, I initially misspelled 'magnificent') More to the point, its need to discover new knowledge. some anthropologists may argue that the curiosity was only garnered by natural selection, as they were sick of getting raped by lions in africa, I personally believe we had it in us the whole time. even now, there is clear evidence that monkeys (our furry cousins) are intelligent to a startling degree, able to operate complex tests and utilize their advanced motor control to do surprisingly advanced things, whereas other animals just root, eat and sleep. for example, try to get a cat to open a banana, or crack a nut. It will just look at you and ask for a cheeseburger.

alan, I digest. our need to know everything has led us all the way from the ancient greeks, to the age of modern technology. I will lay off of the christian age of scientific oppression, because let's face it, the HB particle adds toward the argument that there is no tangible god of which many speak, so they have enough on their plates without some equine obsessed inebriate getting all up in their grill. yet again, I stray from the point of things (Insanity does that to ya,) I will keep this short, just to show the rest of my blog how it's done: every major discovery we have made, has led to more questions. much like a tree, our ignorance blossoms with each new branch.
[I did make a tree of knowledge here, but my computer NOPE-GUNNED me]

Report Th4t Dark c0rner · 302 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Ah, welcome to the land of true sanity! (by the way of insanity). Now excuse me, but I have an appointment with a rather peculiar elf who has a fetish for cutlery. (P.S, if you need body disposal advice, don't hesitate to ask)

Also, chimpanzees and their close relatives aren't the only animals that have been found to be exceedingly intelligent; crows, for example, have an extremely complex social structure and have been known to create fake food caches when other crows are watching them. Many genera besides Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos) and the rest of Hominidae contain species that are very intelligent, sometimes frighteningly so.

354373 Ah yes, you prove a good point, but remember: Herpes and ship anchors sound the same when said backwards
admit it: you tried.

Both animals and children arnt given enough credit to their intellagence if you ask me (or our budding ignorance as the case seems to be). Also do you not think there is an afterlife? I can see there not being a god of any kind but the latter idea is just strait up depressing. Be honest or jappleack will find you and 4.bp.blogspot.com/-sIH5aNeZetg/TwoTzTXs9BI/AAAAAAAACTM/hQtubSO10zk/s1600/Capture.PNG hurt you...badly.

397933 I will admit, there was a time where I did believe in an afterlife, but there was also a time I believed in the tooth fairy and jetpacking deathclaws.

Jetpacking Deathclaws? PROPOSTEROUS! Everyone know they would use jetboots not jetPACKS. I say.

Also here's hoping you dont have any kids. If all you think happens after we die is oblivion would you really want to bring into this cruel world another life only for it to suffer non-exstance later on? Seems selfish to me.:trixieshiftright

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