• Member Since 21st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 38 minutes ago


Just a pony lovin' guy

More Blog Posts27

  • 431 weeks
    Summer's over

    Wooooooow, that summer flew by, and yet it still crawled. Funny, all that.

    I survived this long. I got a job, made some money, spent it all on school books, and now the semester's starting up again. I got way less work done on Alexandrite than I had intended, but...Well, it's not nothing. Hopefully when I finally finish, I'll have some visual aid to go along with it!

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  • 448 weeks
    Alexandrite! And other things.

    Heeeey! That project I was working on for so long? I'm still working on it, but here's a preview. The fic that I've submitted alongside this blog post is an introduction to Alexandrite: Ace Attorney! It's a standalone prequel to a much longer fic which is coming soon. This new, first fic introduces us to Alexandrite, a crystal pony and defense attorney, and her boss, Escutcheon Herald. Alex is a

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  • 529 weeks
    So I'm working on this thing

    Anyone who follows me can probably figure out that I'm not exactly consistent with timing and such. For anyone I've left waiting on Doctor Whooves, I apologize. However, I do still love writing and I do intend to continue writing these fics as they come along. On top of working on the last couple of chapters of City of Toys, I've also been doing this other thing, for a future Whooves story

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  • 642 weeks
    Guess WHO'S back!

    The newest Doctor Whooves story is out and has been submitted for approval! Check Chapter 1 HERE, or go to the episode list!

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  • 642 weeks
    Doctor Whooves: Episode List

    Ok, so I'm officially listing the episodes of Doctor Whooves, in order, here. All the stories will link to this blog post, so I don't have to put the whole "Next, previous" thing on each of them.

    Episode 1: The First and the Last

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Looking for an Artist · 2:26pm Jul 10th, 2012

Ok, yeah, I know, like everyone else in the world. But if you look up Doctor Whooves Rainbow Dash on google, you'll see I pretty much used the only pony pairing of the two in the same picture that's...well...appropriate. Well, there's one other, but I have absolutely no idea what's going on with it so it's inappropriate in a completely different sense. So because of this, I'm looking for anyone out there who has a good Doctor/Dash picture I could use, or anyone who would be willing to draw one:


1. Gotta be eye catching. If I'm going to have a picture attached, it needs to be something to draw more people in to read it.

2. NO SHIPPING. No romance, just pictures of The Doctor and Dash interacting in a way that looks natural. Well, natural for the Doctor. Running, flying, cowering from laser shooting ponybots, set against the backdrop of the place they just showed up in, or a scene from my previous fic if you're going for action. Otherwise, lounging, looking awesome, posing for the camera, any of that kind of stuff will work as well!

3. Make it either colored or inked. Please don't draw a pencil drawing and take a picture of it with a camera, they're nearly impossible to see. I mean, if you can get it to be clear, I guess it'd be ok. Just make sure it's easy to tell what it is at first glance.

4. The work doesn't have to be original, BUT! If it is NOT yours, PLEASE give as much credit to the original artist as possible!

5. I'm not looking for perfection, so don't be shy! If you think it looks good, send it on in.

So I'm sure I won't get very many hits on this, since artists are so few and far between and their time is so valuable, but I can promise that anyone who sends me a message with the link to their picture will get it posted here in my blog(unless you don't want it to be), and possibly on the stories themselves. I'll also accept any picture for any of my other stories, if inspiration has struck.

Report MaxKodan · 362 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

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Pretty much. Gotta go to work for the day though.

You have my support, but not my ugly ass stick figures.

224806 I don't understand your reaction sir

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