So I'm working on this thing · 5:30am Oct 12th, 2014
Anyone who follows me can probably figure out that I'm not exactly consistent with timing and such. For anyone I've left waiting on Doctor Whooves, I apologize. However, I do still love writing and I do intend to continue writing these fics as they come along. On top of working on the last couple of chapters of City of Toys, I've also been doing this other thing, for a future Whooves story that I'd like to offshoot into its own type of fic. Rather than just giving away the information, I'll let the UNEDITED AND TOTALLY NOT FINAL intro speak for itself~!
“You’ve been following me for quite a while.” The stallion said into the darkness. The wind creaked the old boards of the warehouse. Even though it was nearly pitch black inside, he knew that he stood next to a row of large crates stacked nearly to the rafters two stories up, though their contents were quite unknown to him. “Care to tell me what this is all about?”
“...You know what it’s about. What you’re doing….it’s wrong.” The voice returned.
The stallion chuckled. “Wrong? Who are you to tell me what’s right and what’s wrong? Stalking a pony at night like this…” He shook his head and smiled. “Everything I do is for the good of my firm. I’m only doing my job, don’t complain to me if you don’t like it. Blame fate.”
“But it isn’t fair!”
“Nothing’s fair. Get over it. This conversation is over.”
A shout and a loud crack issued from the darkness before the stallion. He paused and waited as the echoes subsided. “Now, what was all that about? Don’t go breaking things just because you-” The sound of wood splintering and straining under intense weight interrupted the stallion. “Hey, what did you do!?”
In the darkness, there was only sound. A short burst of running, a scuffle, a cry of surprise and pain, and finally a shout of agony amidst the cacophony of heavy wood hitting the concrete ground. And then there was silence. Only the slightly labored breathing of a single pony remained. “...Hey.” He said, weakly. There was no response. Two steps forward, and a sudden recoil. “...N-no! No way! ...I...I just wanted to talk! Why…..Why did it end up like this!?” All at once, the lights came on and a pair of guards came running in to investigate the scene, shouting their orders.
Before them lay a scene that told them all they needed to know. A broken pile of what used to be huge crates, and a single foreleg reaching out from it. The hoof pointed at another pony. One particularly terrified looking earth pony. “No! No, I-I didn’t! No!” He cried as the guards rushed to restrain him.
Interesting note: in neither stories nor blog posts can you put in spoiler tags. I shall have to rethink an aspect of this fic because of this.....
Edit: Earlier in the post I mentioned that this new project was going to be a Doctor Whooves fic. I think, as I've started working on it, that I'm going to remove that aspect. The fic will be standalone, with no Doctor involvement. Honestly, it's for the best. The addition of the Doctor would basically be superfluous to the story. Still, keep an eye out! It's definitely gonna be new, and it'll be something I've never really tried before on several levels!